Promise to Protect: A Tobacco-Free Future

“Promise to Protect: A Tobacco-Free Future” is a video campaign aimed at combating the harmful effects of tobacco use and an effort towards prevention youth initiation.

The campaign has been strategically scheduled to coincide with Gandhi Jayanti, celebrated on October 2nd , to commemorate Mahatma Gandhi's principles of non-violence and his tireless efforts to eradicate harmful practices. This initiative underscores the importance of non-violence not only towards others but also towards our own bodies by avoiding harmful substances like tobacco.

Key Details of the Campaign:

1. Take the Promise to Protect Pledge by teachers and students and get certificate at (share further with students)

2. The Teachers can share their stories and testimonies related to tobacco use and its profound impact- Real teachers share personal stories and expert insights –

3. On Gandhi Jayanti, October 2nd , 2023, seminar will be broadcast nationwide on It will feature inspiring stories, testimonials, and commitments from teachers and educators who are dedicated to protecting our youth from the harmful effects of tobacco use.

Holidays on 28th September and 2nd October 2023

It is hereby informed that Delhi Public School, R.K .Puram, East of Kailash and Vasant Vihar will remain closed on the following days :

  • Thursday, 28th September, 2023 on account of Id-E-Milad
  • Monday, 2nd October, 2023 on account of Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday


The training session on ‘Identifying Early Psychiatry Symptoms in Children and Adolescents’ was conducted by Dr. Sameer Malhotra on 21 September 2023. Dr. Malhotra emphasized that there is no age for developing a psychiatric disorder, however, an early recognition is the key to fight it better. He explained that we all are driven by our emotions, which trigger our thought process which in turn builds our behavior. We are a result of our thoughts and emotions. Our mind works in a way to react to our own inner thoughts as well as our environment. This study of the mind is Psychiatry which gives us a clearer picture of how and what a person is feeling. Mr Malhotra shared a lot of information on the different spectra of psychiatric disorders. Some of these can be identified at home as well as school, while others require a clinical diagnosis. He also talked about certain common disorders which can be identified with a closer look.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Tic Disorder, Schizophrenia and Mood disorders. At the end of the session, Dr Malhotra enlightened the teachers about the various types of substance abuse which affect a large number of adolescents. Children indulge in substance abuse majorly because of peer pressure and then the vicious cycle of buying and selling drugs starts. This might also be triggered due to childhood depression, early signs of which can be detected in the way a child might express him/her through drawings and paintings.


A Session on ‘PROFESSIONAL AND WORK ETHICS’ was conducted by  Dr. Sunita Chugh on 20 September 2023. The session began with the importance of values in our lives. An emphasis on the Maslow Hierarchy of  needs were highlighted. Inspired by Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and tested over more than two decades of real-world experience with thousands of organizations, the model identifies the (4 more) areas that comprise human motivations.- transformation, internal cohesion,making a difference, self less leadership apart from food, shelter, clothing, love and belongingness, self esteem and self actualization. The Barrett Model is the breakthrough work of Richard Barrett.


“All the best performers bring to their role something more, something different than what the author put on paper. That’s what makes theater live. That’s why it persists.” – Stephen Sondheim. The training session on ‘Theatre in Education’ was conducted by Mr. Sanjeev Johri on 19 September 2023.The session began with an Ice breaking activity, wherein  teachers had to use one prop using anything but depict its actual use. In another activity, story making was conducted, where one statement was given to a participant and others were to reiterate the same and how the communication changes towards the end of the activity. With the help of these activities, teachers could step out of their comfort zone and also experience how to incorporate their imagination and creativity in their classroom teaching. The activities were based on experiential learning so that they could understand the concept of competence, team building and leadership skills. It focused on bringing in the concept of theatre in simple classroom teachings.


Ms Geetanjali Goel conducted a session on “Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) on 18 September 2023.The workshop on the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act was organized with the primary objective of educating teachers on the legal framework, responsibilities, provisions and best practices related to child protection. She discussed the important features of this Act like complete privacy, specialized courts, age of consent is irrelevant, mandatory reporting and gender neutrality. Ms. Geetanjali also shed light on the processes under the POCSO Act like processes at the police station, at the Child Welfare Committee, for the medical examination of the child, at the Special Court and the role of Police. Case studies and real-life scenarios were presented to enhance their ability to identify possible victims. She stressed on the Juvenile Justice Act highlighting reforms and punitive measures for the juvenile offenders.The workshop also explored preventive measures, including the importance of age-appropriate sex education, open communication with students, and building a culture of trust within the school community. The workshop served as a crucial step in empowering teachers to fulfill their duty as protectors of children’s rights and safety.


The training session on ‘Personal Grooming & sharing creative Teaching styles’ was conducted by Ms. Neetie Banga, NIFT on 16 September 2023. An emphasis on taking good care of your demeanor as clothes are a silent language, finding your sound board who will give you correct opinion about your looks.Therefore, being self conscious about the language to be used when you are in a classroom is of utmost importance. Experts further talked about a few creative methods to make your classroom teaching more interesting like Kipling method, Inverse method etc. Overall the session was thoroughly engaging and interactive where teachers were able to understand the importance  of theater in their classroom.


A workshop for teachers on the topic LIVING LIFE MINDFULLY was conducted by Dr. Subhash Shetty on 13 September 2023 and 14 September 2023. “Mindfulness isn’t difficult. We just need to remember to do it.” – Sharon Salzberg.

The resource person Dr. Subhash Shetty, a renowned pediatrician enlightened the audience with his words of wisdom while touching upon the following aspects: Meditation is defined as the training of the mind that encapsulates the understanding of why one should practice it and how it is performed. Anapana Sadhna is the first step in the practice of Vipassana meditation which is about maintaining a proper posture and breathing comfortably while concentrating on it with eyes closed.A recording was played for instructions and the audience practiced it.This exercise calms the mind and one is able to experience the peace within forgoing a state of agitation and restlessness.

The importance of learning to manage the mind by understanding the difference between the two modes-i)Thinking mode and ii) Feeling /experiencing/knowing/observing mode was emphasized upon.Meditating for ten minutes in a stressful situation can provide immediate relief from tension and in the long run becomes a habit that has a profound impact on one’s health.

Sadhana helps in using one’s intelligence wisely in all domains including personal,interpersonal and classroom teaching.The role of a teacher lies in making difficult topics easy for students’ comprehension and that can be achieved when the mind is calm and receptive.Another important aspect shared was the need to create a balance between one’s standard of living and quality of life.Developing the conscious mind streamlines one’s thoughts ,leads to self control and is a vital skill that should be learnt by all. A short video demonstrating the role of a teacher in the life of a student was shared with all teachers through Whatsapp and they were advised to listen to a TED TALK on PLEASURE TRAP.

TEACHERS’ TRAINING SESSION – Respiratory and Abdominal Pain in Children

A Session on ‘Respiratory and Abdominal Pain in Children’ was conducted by Dr. Shilpa Sharma and Dr. Ramesh Pariyarath Menon on 12 September2023 and 15 September2023. “It is health which is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi. The speaker Dr. Shilpa Sharma highlighted the various causes of abdominal pain in children. She suggested that the teachers must recognise the part of the abdomen in children that is paining so that they can address concerns and thereafter, appropriate aid that can be provided. She enlightened us with various ways in which one can provide medical therapy to the students.

Dr. Ramesh P. Menon elucidated the various respiratory problems that the adolescents deal with. The teachers were made aware of the common causes of respiratory problems and ways to deal with them in school. In the end, Dr. Shilpa Sharma explained the impact of stress and lifestyle on physical health by highlighting the issues like panic attacks, depression, obesity, various neurological diseases associated with stress, mood swings, social withdrawal etc.

TEACHERS’ TRAINING SESSION – New Framework In Education

“True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create their own.” – Misty Copeland

Delhi Public School, R.K Puram organized various workshops for the teaching staff members of Classes VI to XII in the month of September. These workshops were conducted by various field experts to educate and inform the staff members about various domains related to education. These workshops were educational, informative and enriching and were conducted as per the following schedule. 
The first training session of the series was conducted by Professor K. Ramachandran, Senior Advisor, NIEPA on 11 September 2023 and 15 September 2023 on New Framework In Education – NCF & NEP. “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” — Martin Luther King Jr. The National Education Policy (NEP), established in 2020, aims to bring with it a slew of changes. From syllabus updates to grade structure modifications, it’s evident that the NEP aims to revolutionize the current system. To help our teachers understand and adapt to the changes in the education system, a workshop on ‘New Frameworks in Education’ took place on 11th September, 2023 in the Audio Visual Hall. The speaker Prof. K. Ramachandran emphasized on the important points of the New Education Policy. He made the teachers understand the major highlights of the new policy- Holistic development, equity inclusion, creative curriculum, multidisciplinary approach, restructuring different stages (5+3+3+4), outcome based learning and competency based education. The speaker used various examples from his own life to explain these concepts and highlighted the skills that the teachers must acquire for the successful implementation of the policy. This was followed by a question-answer session where the teachers were able to clear their doubts and overcome their misconceptions about the policy. It was truly an enlightening and informative session.

World Ozone Day

Department of Environment is Celebrating World Ozone Day on 16th September to create awareness on Ozone depletion:

1.What is Ozone depletion?

The Ozone layer reduces harmful UV radiation reaching the Earth’s surface.Ozone depletion is the term commonly used to describe the thinning of the ozone layer in the stratosphere.

2.What causes ozone depletion? 

The main cause of ozone depletion and the ozone hole are manufactured chemicals, especially halocarbon refrigerants, solvents, propellants, and foam- blowing agents (chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), HCFCs, halons).

3.What are its effects?

The depletion of the ozone layer has harmful effects on the human health, animals, environment and marine life,a higher risk of skin .

4.How can we reduce Ozone depletion?

  • One should avoid using pesticides and shift to natural methods to get rid of pests instead of using chemicals.
  • Use of vehicles should be minimized  as they emit a large amount of greenhouse gases that lead to ozone depletion. 
  • Most of the cleaning products have chemicals that affect the ozone layer. We should substitute that with eco-friendly products. 
  • Maintain air conditioners, as their malfunctions cause CFC to escape into the atmosphere.                                         Environment Club 

HALF YEARLY Practical Schedule 2023 – Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Half Yearly Practical Exam Schedule – 2023

Class 12



⇩ Section/Subject ⇨





TUESDAY, 26/9/23

(1st & 2nd Pd-CB Lab)

THURSDAY, 5/10/23

(7th & 8th Pd-FB Lab)

WEDNESDAY, 27/9/23

(3rd & 4th Pd-FB Lab)


WEDNESDAY, 27/9/23

(3rd & 4th Pd-CB Lab)

TUESDAY, 26/9/23

(1st & 2nd Pd-FB Lab)

FRIDAY, 29/9/23

(1st & 2nd Pd-FB Lab)


THURSDAY, 5/10/23

(7th & 8th Pd-FB Lab)

WEDNESDAY, 27/9/23

(3rd & 4th Pd-FB Lab)

TUESDAY, 26/9/23

(7th & 8th Pds-FB Lab)


WEDNESDAY, 27/9/23

(7th & 8th Pd-FB Lab)

TUESDAY, 26/9/23

(7th & 8th Pd-FB Lab)

THURSDAY, 5/10/23

(2nd & 3rd Pd-FB Lab)


TUESDAY, 26/9/23

(5th & 6th Pd-CB Lab)

FRIDAY, 29/9/23

(3rd & 4th Pd-FB Lab)



TUESDAY, 26/9/23

(1st & 2nd Pd-FB Lab)

THURSDAY, 5/10/23

(3rd & 4th Pd-FB Lab)



TUESDAY, 26/9/23

(7th & 8th Pd-FB Lab)

WEDNESDAY, 27/9/23

(1st & 2nd Pd-CB Lab)



WEDNESDAY, 27/9/23

(1st & 2nd Pd-FB Lab)

FRIDAY, 29/9/23

(3rd & 4th Pd-CB Lab)



THURSDAY, 5/10/23

(5th & 6th Pd-CB Lab)

WEDNESDAY, 27/9/23

(6th & 7th Pd-FB Lab)



FRIDAY, 29/9/23

(6th & 7th Pd-FB Lab)

TUESDAY, 26/9/23

(3rd & 4th Pd-CB Lab)



THURSDAY, 5/10/23

(3rd & 4th Pd-CB Lab)

FRIDAY, 29/9/23

(6th & 7th Pd-FB Lab)



FRIDAY, 29/9/23

(6th & 7th Pd-CB Lab)

THURSDAY, 5/10/23

(1st & 2nd Pd-CB Lab)



THURSDAY, 5/10/23

(3rd & 4th Pd-FB Lab)

WEDNESDAY, 27/9/23

(1st & 2nd Pd-FB Lab)