A workshop for teachers on the topic LIVING LIFE MINDFULLY was conducted by Dr. Subhash Shetty on 13 September 2023 and 14 September 2023. “Mindfulness isn’t difficult. We just need to remember to do it.” – Sharon Salzberg.

The resource person Dr. Subhash Shetty, a renowned pediatrician enlightened the audience with his words of wisdom while touching upon the following aspects: Meditation is defined as the training of the mind that encapsulates the understanding of why one should practice it and how it is performed. Anapana Sadhna is the first step in the practice of Vipassana meditation which is about maintaining a proper posture and breathing comfortably while concentrating on it with eyes closed.A recording was played for instructions and the audience practiced it.This exercise calms the mind and one is able to experience the peace within forgoing a state of agitation and restlessness.

The importance of learning to manage the mind by understanding the difference between the two modes-i)Thinking mode and ii) Feeling /experiencing/knowing/observing mode was emphasized upon.Meditating for ten minutes in a stressful situation can provide immediate relief from tension and in the long run becomes a habit that has a profound impact on one’s health.

Sadhana helps in using one’s intelligence wisely in all domains including personal,interpersonal and classroom teaching.The role of a teacher lies in making difficult topics easy for students’ comprehension and that can be achieved when the mind is calm and receptive.Another important aspect shared was the need to create a balance between one’s standard of living and quality of life.Developing the conscious mind streamlines one’s thoughts ,leads to self control and is a vital skill that should be learnt by all. A short video demonstrating the role of a teacher in the life of a student was shared with all teachers through Whatsapp and they were advised to listen to a TED TALK on PLEASURE TRAP.