Anti Fire-Cracker Campaign

An “Anti Fire-Cracker Campaign” was  organized in the school. As a part of this campaign the following activities were conducted:The students prepared soft boards on the theme- Celebrating Green Diwali. Pamphlets with information on harmful effects of firecrackers were distributed the classes in order to sensitize the students on this topic. A PowerPoint Presentation was shown to all the students  during the homeroom period so that the students could understand the impact of the chemicals in the crackers on our health and on the environment. Standees were displayed to raise awareness on this issue.

An Intra section Paragraph Writing Competition was organized on the topic-”I would like to celebrate Green Diwali because…..” for the classes VI to X. The students of classes VI to VIII made beautiful rangolis outside their classes as a part of the the Green Diwali celebrations in the school.The students  took a pledge  during the home room period to celebrate Green Diwali.

An interactive session on the topic ‘Celebrate Green Diwali: Say ‘NO’ to Firecrackers’ was held on 22 October 2019 for class VI. In the session led by Dr. Pawan Tiwari, Assistant Professor, Pulmonary Medicine, AIIMS and his team of three students from Sri Venkateshwara College, University of Delhi, the students learned about the causes and the harmful effects of air pollution, common air pollutants, sources of indoor and outdoor air pollution and common diseases caused by air pollution . They also learned about the various ways to control air pollution, the method to assess air quality, what happens when the air quality index crosses certain limits, the average air quality index of Delhi during different seasons, the causes and harmful effects of smog  and the Directives given by the Supreme Court of India to control air pollution. Quiz was also organised.

Information on the importance of celebrating Green Diwali was disseminated during the PTM of class VI and also during the Scholar Badge Ceremony of class VIII so that the parents could also be sensitized on this issue.

The students of class XI organised a skit on “the plight of children working in fire cracker factories” and a mimicry activity to raise awareness on this issue.An article writing and Just A Minute competition was also organised for students of class XI.A group discussion on the chemistry of fire crackers was organised for the students of class XII. Students of class XII wrote poems and made cartoon strips to strongly discourage the use of fire crackers.

Inauguration of ‘My Outdoor lab’

On October 25,2019 ‘My outdoor lab’ was inaugurated by the Principal, Ms Vanita Sehgal in the Granite Area opposite D Block. The Principal planted seeds of tomatoes, spinach and zuchhini. Varunavi of VII I recited a self-composed poem on Vegetative Propagation which was enjoyed and appreciated by all. The area is divided into four areas, Adaptations in plants (Cactus, Aurocaria), Special plants (Touch me not, Poinsettia, Jasmine) , Vegetative Propagation in the plants (Portulaca, turmeric, ginger, potato, garlic, onion, bryophyllum) and Plant morphology (parallel/reticulate venation).

The Headmistress, Ms Niva Chhonkar along with the students of classes VI to VIII were present.
This area is created by and for the students from Classes VI to VIII to promote experiential learning. This will also give them an opportunity to interact and appreciate nature with ‘hands on experience’.

Value for the month of October- We Are, What We Eat

Gandhi ji said ‘I eat to live, to serve, and also, if it so happens, to enjoy, but I do not eat for the sake of enjoyment.’ To promote ‘mindful’ eating habits, the topic ‘We are what we eat’ was chosen as the value for the month of October.

The students from classes VI-VIII decorated their soft boards on this theme. It was interesting to note that they highlighted good food habits, life style disorders and impact of Junk Food. They depicted the theme through pictures and quotations, slogans of various types of food, their nutritional value, nutritional deficiency disorders, importance of vitamins and minerals in growing children. Articles on the importance of green leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits along with food adulterants were also put up.

The teachers also discussed about how the Nutrients from the foods we eat food provide the foundation of the structure, function, and integrity of every little cell in the body, from skin and hair to muscles, bones, digestive and immune systems. Junk food commonly used as ‘Fast food’ are high in salt, sugar and fats. They were informed about various health problems like Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer that may affect us with when our food choices are wrong.

In an interactive session for Class VI in the AVH, the Headmistress, Ms Niva Chhonkar discussed the importance of breakfast and impact of junk food.The teachers shared their ‘good food habits’. Later the students shared slogans on this topic and the students contributing the top 10 slogans were awarded.

Winners Philately Exhibition On Bapu-”-अहिम्pex-2019

Two students of DPS RK Puram, Aanya Trehan (Senior category), First Prize  and Suhaan Oberoi (Junior category) won the second prize  in the painting competition organised at the Philately Exhibition on “BAPU”-अहिम्PEX-2019 on 3 October2019 at PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, PHD House, 4/2, Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi . Hon’ble MoC Sh Ravi Shankar Prasad gave away the prizes to the winners.

School Closed on November 4 and November 5

  1. As per DOE directive, due to deteriorating air quality conditions, school will remain closed for students and teachers on November 4 and November 5.
  2. The test, which was scheduled for Monday will now be held on Wednesday, November 6. Monday timetable will be followed on Wednesday.
  3. Scholar Badge function for Class XI has been postponed to Friday, 8th November 2019 at 11 am.

Value of the Month

National Unity day (also known as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas) is celebrated every year on 31st of October by the people throughout India. It is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel who left no stones unturned to unify India and make her the largest democracy in the world.

Thomas Paine once said, ‘It is not in numbers but in unity that our great strength lies.’ Keeping this view in mind the theme for the soft boards for the month of November was ‘Unity and Integrity’.  The theme was well represented by the students while decorating their boards. The very essence of these words was brought out creatively by the students. Different quotes emphasizing the power of unity in a country with diverse ways of life and culture was well exhibited with the imprints of different palms on a single sheet of paper representing our country with different people from diverse backgrounds. The teachers also discussed the theme in the classes by giving various examples. They also emphasized the importance of unity and integrity, which stressed the importance of being honest and the virtue of togetherness. In the recent times when we are becoming vulnerable to different kinds of changes such kind of themes rejuvenates and rekindles the spirit of humanity within us.

French Exchange Programme

Our school has been having an exchange programme with  Lycée St. Ambroise in Chambery, France since 2007. The fifth exchange programme with Lycée St. Ambroise, Chambery, is currently underway.

30 French students accompanied by 3 teachers: Mr Pierre Guillot, Ms Muriel Bouvier and Ms Sonia Bigue visited our school from 15 October 2019 to 23 October 2019.

The French students stayed with their Indian counterparts: students of Classes IX and X. The students attended classes on some days and several visits were also organised for them. They visited Iskcon Temple, Lotus Temple, Akshardham, Lodhi Garden, The Alliance Française de Delhi, Parliament, Gandhi Smriti and Bangla Sahib Gurudwara. The French students were eager to explore the city and also to discover the Indian culture and customs.

On the last day, the visiting  French students put up a cultural programme.

The exchange was a learning experience for students of both countries and it gave our students an excellent opportunity to interact with native French speakers and to get a keen insight into the French culture.  Deep bonds of friendship were formed between the Indian and French students. Students of both the countries will treasure the memories of this exchange for a long time. Our students will be visiting Chambery, France next year.

Scholar Badge Ceremony CLASS IX

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
~ William Arthur Ward

The Scholar Badge Ceremony of Class IX, was hosted by DPS R.K. Puram on 25 October 2019 for the academic session 2019-20. This prestigious annual celebration recognizes the sincere dedication and focused hard work of the meritorious students and their achievements in the previous academic year.

The event was graced by the presence of the Principal, Ms Vanita Sehgal, the Vice Principal, Ms Padma Srinivasan and the Head Mistresses, Mrs Rashmi Malhotra and Ms Niva Chhonkar. Dr and Mrs Dogra, parents of Armaan Dogra and initiators of the all-rounder Student of the Year award for class VIII, were also present. The Chief Guest for the day, Ms. Shovana Narayan, a member of the DPS Society since 1998, was felicitated by the Principal. She currently serves in the Indian Audit and Accounts Services, and is a Deputy Director General at Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Department of Telecommunication. 

The programme began with the scintillating beats of the school orchestra. This was followed by a presentation on the school’s academic results, and a plethora of eminent co-curricular and extracurricular achievements,and  concluded with the school’s mission statement. 

The Principal  addressed the gathering  by welcoming the Chief Guest and the parents of Armaan Dogra. Emphasizing on the theme of the ceremony, “At the precipice, we change”, she highlighted the importance of change and evolution. Using anecdotes, she accentuated the importance of diligence, persistence and positive feedback. Quoting the poem “Leisure” by William Henry Davies, she said that instead of waiting to reach the precipice, one should change before it’s too late. She concluded by thanking the various departments for their dedication, and expressed her pride in the school. 

The cultural programme started with a monologue on the exigencies of life, followed by an enigmatic fusion dance. The event proceeded in the format of a game show, which exemplified the theme through examples of King Ashoka, Srikanth Bolla, Laxmi Agarwal and Dashrath Manjhi. The students presented these through captivating, eloquent poems in Hindi about ‘antarman’ or ‘the inner heart’. The struggles of Laxmi Agarwal, an acid attack survivor and an Indian campaigner with Stop Sale Acid, were asseverated through a speech and a mirror mime. A spry, vigorous ‘josh dance’ preceded the presentation of Dashrath Manjhi, a labourer in Gehlaur village. A charismatic dance embodying the phoenix rising from the ashes wrapped up the cultural programme. 

The Chief Guest then spoke to the audience, expressing her admiration for the innovative and well-presented performances. Emphasizing on the fact that “change is the only constant factor”, she brought out the contrast between the constancy of values and the evolution of tradition. She went on to speak about society’s concentration on external appearances, and the compartmentalization of individuality, leading to a prominent lack of creativity. She stated that teachings can come from the most unexpected of places, and one will constantly be faced with challenges. She elaborated upon the significance of analytic reasoning and the spirit of curiosity. She ended her speech by congratulating the awardees, but said that everyone is a winner as long as they pursue their passion with perseverance and courage. 

The Award Ceremony commenced with Dr and Mrs Dogra presenting the Armaan Dogra Memorial Trophy to Parth Kumar, IX-K. She addressed the students, urging them to appreciate each moment of their life.The award ceremony was conducted by the Class IX Representatives Ms Surbhi Gaur and Ms Shruti Vijyan.

The Headmistress, Mrs Rashmi Malhotra, delivered the vote of thanks, and  the ceremony concluded with the National Anthem. 

Second Prize-Stagekraft 2019 –Sanskriti School – Stage Play

The students of Expressions Theatre Club participated in ‘Stagekraft 2019’ – the Annual Debate, Theatre and Choreography Competition organized by Sanskriti School. They enacted an excerpt from “King Lear” by Shakespeare and secured second position in the event “Shakespeare Musical”.

Visit By Japanese Delegation

DPS R K Puram had the opportunity to host the representatives of Nishiyamato Gakuen High School on 23 October, 2019. The school welcomed a group of forty students accompanied by Mr. Shigeynki Terashima and Mr. Fumihiko Mitsunaga.The Principal, Ms. Vanita Sehgal, welcomed the visitors along with Ms. Rashmi Malhotra, with the auspicious lamp-lighting ceremony to accord a holy beginning to the event.After the felicitation of the guests the Principal conveyed her happiness  to the guests for giving DPS RK Puram  the pleasure of introducing them to India and its incredible culture. She encouraged all to interact with the Japanese students in the hope of establishing a bridge and furthering educational opportunities for the two countries.

The cultural event commenced with a melodious song by the choir that warmed the hearts of all present in the audience. The heritage of Rajasthan, the land of kings and forts, was celebrated through a presentation and a mesmerizing Rajasthani dance performance marked by an array of hues.Mr. Terashima presented a souvenir to the Principal on behalf of the Principal of Nishiyamato Gakuen High School as a token of appreciation, and expressed his immense admiration towards the participants of the cultural programme. He spoke of the history and culture of Nara city, and wished to forge a resilient bond with DPS RK Puram.The speech paved the way for a presentation on Nishiyamato Gakuen High School along with an address by the students, who thanked the Principal for the warm welcome. The students performed a graceful Sōran Bushi,a traditional dance that left the audience spellbound.A  powerpoint presentation on the school activities , achievements and on Mahatma Gandhi were shown to the Japanese students.

The event concluded with the vote of thanks, delivered by the Headmistress, Ms. Rashmi Malhotra. The National Anthems of Japan and India were sung with great vigour by all to strengthen the relationship between the two countries.The delegates were given  souvenirs by the  students of Class X, followed by a group discussion on pollution caused by plastic in which they were divided into groups and they expressed their views on “what India and Japan can do to solve Marine Pollution caused by Plastic garbage” and this  was followed by an interesting Origami activity.They visited various classrooms where they interacted with students and teachers  about  the  syllabi, teaching methodology and co-curricular activities with great enthusiasm. The infrastructure and environment of DPS R K Puram was greatly appreciated by them as they toured through important venues like the ThinkLab, Computer Labs, Library,Robotics Lab,science Lab and the Sports Complex.This  visit established cordial ties between the two countries that will strengthen the leaders of tomorrow.

Zone Inter DPS Basketball U-14 Girls Championship 2019

Zone U14 Girls Basketball inter DPS Championship was held at DPS International Saket from 10th -12th Oct 2019. DPS RK Puram Won the 1st Runner Up Trophy and Qualified for the Nationals to be held at DPS Vasant Kunj.