Gandhi ji said ‘I eat to live, to serve, and also, if it so happens, to enjoy, but I do not eat for the sake of enjoyment.’ To promote ‘mindful’ eating habits, the topic ‘We are what we eat’ was chosen as the value for the month of October.
The students from classes VI-VIII decorated their soft boards on this theme. It was interesting to note that they highlighted good food habits, life style disorders and impact of Junk Food. They depicted the theme through pictures and quotations, slogans of various types of food, their nutritional value, nutritional deficiency disorders, importance of vitamins and minerals in growing children. Articles on the importance of green leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits along with food adulterants were also put up.
The teachers also discussed about how the Nutrients from the foods we eat food provide the foundation of the structure, function, and integrity of every little cell in the body, from skin and hair to muscles, bones, digestive and immune systems. Junk food commonly used as ‘Fast food’ are high in salt, sugar and fats. They were informed about various health problems like Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer that may affect us with when our food choices are wrong.
In an interactive session for Class VI in the AVH, the Headmistress, Ms Niva Chhonkar discussed the importance of breakfast and impact of junk food.The teachers shared their ‘good food habits’. Later the students shared slogans on this topic and the students contributing the top 10 slogans were awarded.