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Value For The Month Of January

“Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.” Keeping this view in mind the class boards of classes VI-VIII were decorated on the topic- ‘Steps to Success.’ With examination lurking at the corner, students are getting prepared for

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Farewell Ceremony XII (2019-20)

“Let the new adventures begin.” – Unknown On the 31st of January, 2020, D.P.S. R.K.Puram hosted the farewell ceremony for the Class of 2019-20. This event was to bid adieu to the senior-most students of the school, as they gathered

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Classes VI-VIII Showcase 2020

The showcase for Classes VI-VIII, Work Experience and Art Education, was held in the months of January and February. The Principal, Ms. Vanita Sehgal graced the Showcase and commended the students on the good work that they were doing. She

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Republic Day celebration -2020

DPS RK Puram Celebrated Republic Day 2020 in School on 26th January 2020 The Principal, Ms.Vanita Sehgal hoisted the Flag in the Open Air Theatre in the presence of the hostel students as well as the Hostel Wardens and Mr

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Report On Showcase – Class IX

A Showcase was organised by class 9 for the work experience and art education students on 15 and 16 January, 2020 respectively. The primary goal of the event was to incite passion and provide a fun way for students to

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Sports Day 2019

Click here to View Sports Day Photo Gallery “To uncover your true potential you must first find your own limits and then you have to have the courage to blow past them.” – Picabo Street On 26th of December 2019,

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Inter-School Language Festival -2019

“Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.” Flora Lewis.   The Inter-School Language Festival- 2019, ‘Bhasha Utsav’ was hosted by Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram on

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Storytelling Session for Classes VII and VIII

A Story Telling Session was organised for the students of Class VII on the December 19,2019 and for Class VIII on the  December 20,2019 in the Seminar room.  Ms Aditi Mangal,the  StoryTeller conducted the sessions.The sessions were highly interactive and

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Guest Speaker Program

Internet Addiction To acquaint, sensitise and strengthen students regarding Internet and its usage, a Guest Speaker Session was organized for the students of Class XI on December 13, 2019.The session was taken by Ms. Jyotsna Bhardwaj, Counselling Psychologist. She is

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Visit to Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust

The Social Service League of DPS,R.K.Puram organised an educational trip to Amar Jyoti School,Karakardoma on 14 Dec.219 in order to sensitize the students to the differently abled and to develop a better understanding of inclusive education. Seventeen students from class

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