Samyak Kapoor of XI H  successfully qualified for a spot in the top 100 of the youth ideathon. This is an independent competition organized by thinkstartup and affiliated with CBSE and MEPSC for school students with an entrepreneurial mindset and a drive to pursue their passion.

Samyak Kapoor has been awarded a merit certificate (top 0.2% of all participants)


Samyak of class 11 H successfully  participated in a National Level Competition – “IGNITE” organized by the National innovation fund. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam IGNITE competition is an annual national competition to harness the creative and innovative spirit of students. Samyak submitted a project based on an artificial rain system to solve the crisis of disproportionate rainfall in India by man made means.


“Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes 

Language Fest 2021-22 was hosted by Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram on 28 January 2022 via the virtual Google Meet platform with the objective of celebrating linguistic flair and talent. The competitions witnessed the participation of schools across India. A total of 44 schools participated in a vast array of activities. The event was jointly coordinated by teachers of the Hindi, Sanskrit and Foreign Language Departments.


“Just a Minute: Monologue Competition” : This was an online event held for Classes IX-X.  Participants had to deliver minute-long speeches on a range of pre-decided topics. The esteemed jury members  Ms. Reema Chauhan and Ms. Kavita Gandhi, judged the students on their performances on the basis of their pronunciation, creativity, elocution, fluency, and usage of props and costumes. Fifteen schools participated in this event and impressed the audience with their innovative, unique performances.

Poster making competition : This was  an offline submission event for classes VI-VIII. The participants made a poster on any one of the topics that were already shared with them. The entries were made on  A-3 sheets and the artist chose his/her medium of expression. Each participant submitted 1 poster. The esteemed jury members Ms. Manisha Buttan and Ms Reema Chauhan , judged the posters on the basis of  creativity, originality, aesthetic, visual appeal , clarity and relevance to the theme. Eighteen schools participated in this event and sent their posters. 


Just a Minutewas an event held for Classes IX-X. The participants from 15 schools were asked to formulate and deliver a speech on one of six pre-released topics within a minute. The jury consisted of Spanish aficionados Dr Mayuresh Kumar and Ms Shruti Agnihotri. The students, who were judged on the basis of their originality, fluency, pronunciation and adherence to the time limit, delivered mesmerizing performances and left all in awe of their linguistic prowess. 

Poster making competition: This was an offline submission event for classes VI-VIII. The participants made a poster on one of the pre-released topics. Students displayed their artistic skills through an array of posters. The jury consisted of Spanish aficionados Dr Mayuresh Kumar and Ms Shruti Agnihotri. 16 schools participated in this event and sent their beautiful posters and amazed us with their extraordinary artwork.


“Just a Minute” was the French competition for Classes IX-X. Participants from 25 schools delivered eloquent minute-long speeches on a variety of given topics. The jury comprising Dr Shubhra Gupta and Mr Manmeet Singh, both renowned names in the field of learning and teaching French, assessed the participants on their innovativeness and imagination, fluency and pronunciation, voice modulation and content delivery. 

The Foreign Language Department also organised an offline Poster Making Competition for Classes VI-VII on various topics of French. 25 schools participated in the competition. 


एक पल कहकहों भरा

एक पल कहकहों भरा कार्यक्रम में विद्यार्थियों को किसी प्रचलित विज्ञापन को हास्य का पुट देकर उसे एक नए मौलिक रूप में प्रस्तुत करना था अथवा अपना स्वयं का एक मौलिक हास्य विज्ञापन बनाकर उसे प्रस्तुत करना था। यह प्रतियोगिता कक्षा नवीं तथा दसवीं के विद्यार्थियों के लिए थी। इस प्रतियोगिता में दिल्ली तथा दिल्ली के बाहर के 23 स्कूलों ने भाग लिया। 

दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल, रामकृष्ण की भूतपूर्व हिंदी शिक्षिका तथा सीबीएसई की रिसोर्स पर्सन श्रीमती कौमुदी शर्मा तथा दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल, रामकृष्ण पुरम की भूगोल  विभाग की पूर्व विभागाध्यक्षा श्रीमती रूपा दास निर्णायकों के रूप में उपस्थित थे।  कार्यक्रम के संयोजक डॉ. अनंग सक्सेनाश्रीमती मीनू सिंगल थे।

बचपन की कहानी कठपुतली की जुबानी

कक्षा छठी से आठवीं तक के छात्रों के लिए “बचपन की कहानी कठपुतली की जुबानी” नामक प्रतिस्पर्धा आयोजित की गई थी। इस प्रतियोगिता में देशभर से 27 प्रतिभागियों ने भाग लिया व प्रतियोगिता के निर्णायक के रूप में हिंदी भाषा में विख्यात विशेषज्ञ, श्रीमती करुणा शर्माश्रीमती संतोष कुमारी उपस्थित थे। हिन्दी विभागाध्यक्ष श्रीमती सीमा मेहता एवं कार्यक्रम समन्वयिका श्रीमती डॉ पी चिन्ना ने निर्णायकों व सभी प्रतिभागियों का अभिनंदन किया। प्रतिभागियों को उपप्रधानाचार्य डॉ अनिल कुमार कथूरिया, प्रधानाध्यापिका श्रीमती रश्मी मल्होत्रा ​​और कंप्यूटर विज्ञान विभाग के प्रमुख श्री मुकेश कुमार की उपस्थिति और प्रेरक शब्दों ने प्रोत्साहित किया।



कक्षा नवमी एवं दशमी के लिए आयोजित ‘पात्रपरिचय:’ प्रतियोगिता में प्रतिभागियों द्वारा श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता के किसी भी पात्र को आधार मानकर उसका अभिनय किया गया। माननीया अमला ठुकराल, दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल रामकृष्ण पुरम की भूतपूर्व संस्कृत विभागाध्यक्षा प्रतियोगिता की निर्णायिका थीं। उनके साथ माननीय डॉo राजेश कुमार, पी.जी.डी.ए.वी महाविद्यालय में  सहायक-प्राध्यापक ने भी प्रतियोगिता का निर्णय किया। आयोजन में संपूर्ण भारत से 23 विद्यालयों के छात्रों ने भाग लिया। मुख्याध्यापिका माननीया रश्मि मल्होत्रा महोदया ने निर्णायकों का स्वागत करते हुए अपना आभार व्यक्त किया, और प्रतिभागियों  का उत्साहवर्धन  किया। विभागाध्यक्षा माननीया सीमा मेहता ने भी निर्णायक मंडल की ओर कृतज्ञता प्रकट करते हुए प्रतिभागियों को शुभकामनाएँ दीं। सभी प्रतिभागियों ने पात्र के अनुरूप वेशभूषाओं में विविध पात्रों का उत्कृष्ट अभिनय किया। अन्त में संस्कृत विभाग की अध्यापिका माननीया रूपाली महिन्द्रु ने धन्यवाद ज्ञापन किया।


छठी से आठवीं कक्षा के लिए गीता श्लोक गायन प्रतियोगिता आयोजित की गई। इस शास्वत ग्रंथ के गहन श्लोकों ने सुनने वालों को मार्गदर्शन दिया और संस्कृत के सौंदर्य का प्रदर्शन किया। प्रतिभागियों ने  द्वितीय एवं तृतीय अध्याय के श्लोकों को पहचानकर गीता में प्रवीणता दिखाई और उन्हें  सुरों में पिरोया। भाषोत्सव की इस प्रतियोगिता के निर्णायक श्री दीपांशु कौशिक,संस्कृत अध्यापक तथा वेदज्ञाता, एपीजे स्कूल फरीदाबाद  एवं श्री पुनीत त्रिपाठी,वरिष्ठ कार्यकारी अधिकारी, भारतीय-ज्ञान परंपरा विभाग, NIOS द्वारा किया गया | इस प्रतियोगिता में देशभर से 19 प्रतिभागियों ने भाग लिया | 


The Valedictory Ceremony of the Language Fest 2021-22 took place on the virtual platform on 4 February 2022, and began with the lamp lighting ceremony.

The Principal, Ms Padma Srinivasan extended a warm welcome to Ms Gitanjali Shastri, an advisor in the German Embassy at Delhi in the capacity of an economic development and cooperation advisor, and also a parent alumna, as the Guest of Honour. She also welcomed Mr Prateek Trivedi, (bhaiyaji kahenge?) as the Chief Guest for the day. She conveyed her heartfelt gratitude to the guests for gracing the occasion with their presence. Ms Padma Srinivasan concluded her address by encouraging the students and appreciating their tireless efforts, and wished them all the best in all their future endeavours. 

This was followed by a performance by the proficient singers of the  Western Music Society  D.P.S. R.K. Puram, who left the audience spellbound with their sensational song ‘Yes We Can.’ The talented artists of the school’s Indian Dance Society exhibited an exquisite performance and they set the stage on fire with their compassion and love for Indian dances.

The Chief Guest, Mr Prateek Trivedi congratulated the principal and teachers and appreciated the efforts put in for the success of the Language Fest 2021-22. He commented on the important role played by languages in Indian culture and marvelled at the students’ fluency in various languages. He emphasised that events like the Language Fest successfully showed that language is not just a medium of communication, it is a cultural and social entity which reflects the people’s thoughts and ideas. Mr Trivedi also applauded the students and encouraged them to continue to celebrate the beauty of languages and cultures by planting the tree of language and spreading its fruits in society.

The Guest of Honour, Ms Geetanjali Subhedar-Shastri began her address by congratulating the school for organising the Language Fest despite the trying circumstances. She said that her primary message to the students was to never let language take a backseat as one’s choice of words and how one presents them solves many problems of day to day life. She shared her personal experience with engaging with the German language and said that there was no end to learning. Ms Subhedar-Shastri emphasised that language thrives in usage, and also encouraged the students to always learn from their mistakes. She also said that while foreign languages were important, it should never come at the expense of neglecting our own languages, an inherent part of our identity and being. She concluded by quoting Flora Lewis and Bharatendu Harishchandra to emphasise how languages act as an eternal embellishment to our persona. She wished all the participants a bright future ahead.

Glimpses of  submissions by the students were then presented to the audience. This was followed by the announcement of winners for the various events along with glimpses of the winning performances. 

The Vice Principal, Mr Anil Kathuria, addressed the gathering. He thanked the Principal for giving the opportunity to conduct the event and for her constant motivation and guidance. He welcomed the Chief Guest and the Guest of Honour and thanked them for their valuable presence. Mr Kathuria commented on how the Language Fest gave an opportunity to the students to learn something new and that made them all winners. He concluded by congratulating the heads of departments and the teachers for putting their full efforts and making the event successful.

The Headmistress, Ms Rashmi Malhotra began her address by mentioning that the purpose of the Language Fest was to share the wealth and knowledge regarding various languages and cultures amongst all the people. She thanked the Principal for providing the platform to organise the event. Ms Malhotra also extended her gratitude towards the esteemed guests for gracing the occasion with their presence and sharing their words of wisdom. She also thanked the entire team of teachers and students who had worked extremely hard in putting together the show.

The vote of thanks was delivered by Ms Seema Mehta, Head of the Hindi and Sanskrit Departments. She thanked the Principal, Ms Padma Srinivasan, for providing a golden opportunity to the students for showcasing their talents. She mentioned that the programme was made successful by the participation of 44 schools. She thanked the Chief Guest and the Guest of Honour for taking out time from their hectic schedules to encourage the students. Ms Mehta also thanked the Vice Principal, Mr Anil Kathuria, the Headmistress, Ms Rashmi Malhotra, the Supervisor, Ms Vinita Gupta, Activity Incharges Ms Abha Chona and Ms Kaveri Dhar, the art and music departments as well as Mr Mukesh Kumar and the technical support team. Finally, she thanked the teachers of the Hindi, Sanskrit, French, German and Spanish departments for their hard work without which the event would not have been possible.

The valedictory concluded with the National Anthem.

The results of the various events are as follows:





Event 1: Just a Minute 


Delhi Public School Greater Faridabad

Parnika Pandey


Delhi Public School Sushant Lok

Ria Sircar

Modern School Barakhamba

Eakasv Bhutani


Indian School

Anthrakish Nair

Event 2: Poster Making


Delhi Public School Sushant Lok

Diya Gupta


Delhi Public School Vasant Kunj

Eeshin Sen


Don Bosco School Alaknanda

Muhammad Yahya Siddiqui


Event 1: Just a Minute 


Delhi Public School Greater Noida

Niyati Arora


Bal Bharati Public School Pitampura

Bhavika Julka


Amity International School Gurugram

Saachika Yadav

Delhi Public School R. K. Puram

Ranveer Shukla 

Event 2: Poster Making


G. D. Goenka Public School Vasant Kunj

Ashreya Bhutani


Delhi Public School Noida

Priyadarshini Dayal


Delhi Public School Sushant Lok

Sana Singh

Delhi Public School R. K. Puram

Aanya Yadav


Event 1: Just a Minute 


Modern School Barakhamba Road

Ria Devika Bhasin


The Shri Ram School Senior Aravali

Nandini Sighvi


Delhi Public School International Saket

Samaerrah Walia

Event 2: Poster Making


Modern School Barakhamba Road

Naman Khanna


Delhi Public School International Saket

Aanya Monga


Delhi Public School Greater Noida

Tejas Vashishtha

Delhi Public School R. K. Puram

Aanya Yadav


Event 1: Gita Shlok Gaynam


Amity International Gurugram

Yash Rajesh Moorjani


Delhi Public School Noida

Mukund Anand


Maxfort School Dwarka

Akshara Tripathi

Delhi Public School R. K. Puram

Gaur Krisna

Event 2: Patra-Parichay


Delhi Public School R. K. Puram

Mihika Singh

Delhi Public School Faridabad

Ishita Aggarwal


Delhi Public School Dwarka

Krishnuv Tarun Khattar


Modern School Barakhamba Road

Poorna Gautam Tewari


Event 1: Rason Ki Fuhar 


Cambridge Foundation School Rajouri Garden

Dev Kumar


Tagore International School East of Kailash

Kalyani Jagdale


Delhi Public School Indirapuram

Aryaki Jha

Event 2: Ek Pal Kahkahon Bhara..


Delhi Public School R. K. Puram

Advika Pandey

Tagore International School East of Kailash

Aadya Chaurasia


The Indian School

Niyati Khurana


Delhi Public School Greater Noida

Saksham Taneja

Event 3: Bachpan ki Kahani, Kathputli ki Zubani


Delhi Public School R. K. Puram

Advika Pandey


Modern School Barakhamba Road

Lavanya Bhagwati


Delhi Public School Mathura Road

Manya Mittal 

Event 4: Kalpanik Charitra Parichay


Delhi Public School Rohini



Delhi Public School R. K. Puram

Sonakshi Sehgal

Delhi Public School Greater Noida

Omar Pratap Singh


New Era Public School Mayapuri



Delhi Public School Noida & Delhi Public School R. K. Puram

Theatron 2021-22

THEATRON 2021-2022

“We must all do theatre to find out who are and who we could become” – Augusto Boal

The Annual Inter-School Theatre Festival, Theatron, was organized by the Expressions Theatre Club of Delhi Public School R.K.Puram on the 15th of January, 2022. Theatron had  an all-time edge with 66 schools from all over India participating in the event with tremendous enthusiasm, bringing together young, vibrant minds to celebrate the essence of theatre .It was a symbol of triumph and a testament to keeping passion alive in tough times.

This year, the event was held virtually wherein the participants had shared pre-recorded videos of their acts and the same were judged on the online platform. This year Theatron featured nine distinctive segment – Stage-A-Thon, Nukkad ki Goonj, Ads-Act, Poem Enactment, Thespian Coliseum, Prop-o-sition, Mime, Standup Comedy, and Dance Drama. The much-awaited ‘Theatron 2021-2022’ commenced with the Principal’s address, followed by a short presentation. 

The Principal Ms Padma Srinivasan addressed the gathering by highlighting the role theatre plays in one’s daily life and how it is not merely a way of letting go of one’s inhibitions but also an extremely important way of nurturing and cultivating one’s personality with essential values. 

She expressed her gratitude towards the jury members for their valuable time and efforts.

She appreciated the efforts of the teacher-in-charge Ms. Sanya Taneja for being the driving force behind the endeavour. She commended the efforts of the theatre club members for demonstrating the club’s organizational efficiency in conducting the event through inventiveness and ardour. She also introduced the club’s upcoming project, “12 Angry Jurors” as a prominent milestone in the creative journey of Expressions Theatre Club. 

This was followed up by a short presentation showcasing the activities conducted by the club and its accomplishments over the course of the year. The presentation was a delightl to watch, with the viewer instantly connecting with the club’s heritage and understanding it’s ethos.  The class XII members of the Expressions Theatre Club  introduced the prolific judges. 

The encouraging words of enlightenment from each of the accomplished personalities added to the exuberance associated with the festival.The judges applauded  Delhi Public School R.K Puram for its immense regard and admiration for theatre. They emphasized on the need for theatre to be inculcated in all students as it embeds the values of empathy, dedication and grit in them. They advised the students to engross themselves in the craft while performing and to enjoy the process.The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Sanya Taneja where she thanked the Principal for being very supportive of the theatre club.Theatron hosted nine sub-events with a jury of 18 members. 

Stage-A-Thon (Stage Play) -The prolific Mr. Gourab Ghosh and Ms. Mala judged the event. Stage-A-Thon successfully merged the two pillars of creativity: Writing and Theatre. The base pillar of Writing was elevated to another level with the help of its counterpart Theatre within a span of mere 3 minutes; the act presented a versatile array of emotions. The participants fully immersed themselves in the lurching sea of dramatic emotions in their presentations. 

Nukkad ki Goonj(Street Play) – Mr. Vipul Kalra and Mr. Ashish Sejwal were the judges for the event. Nukkad ki Goonj is an art form combining entertainment and the ever-important need to recognize the plight of society. Street play as an art form inculcates the fuel and fire to imbibe characteristics prevalent in our daily lives and present them with passionate and energetic emotion. The participants were given three to four minutes to exhibit their skill and prowess.

Ads Act (Advertisement enactment) – Mr. Andrew Hoffland and Ms. Swati presided over the event. Ads-Act reflects the influence of media by which it enthrals us and keeps us captivated. The target was to get the audience to engage zealously and draw attention to the product, something exquisitely shown by the young students in the short span of three minutes.

Play o Poem (poem enactment)The admirable Mr. Neel Sengupta and magnificent Ms. Jyotika Singhal judged the participants who took the best of parallelly similar worlds. It was an enthralling symphony of poetry and theatre that showcased the skills of the participants in the Play o Poem event. A string of tales opened up two or three minutes of raw and uncut emotions, displaying the limitless skill of the performers.

Thespian Coliseum (Shakespearean monologue) – The event was judged by pioneers like Ms. Payal Nagpal and Dr. Poonam Trivedi. Thespian Coliseum event rekindled the flame of William Shakespeare’s evergreen legacy of soliloquies. Shakespearean monologues are renowned for their expressive emotions and the blunt intentions of strangely relatable characters. It was an exhilarating mixture of theatre and soliloquy in a span of 3 minutes, where the mind met action and the combined result was a spectacle to behold. 

Prop-O- Sition (Movie- Making) – The event was skillfully judged by Ms. Anurupa Roy and Ms. Manpreet Kaur. Prop-O-Sition was a recorded movie-making event where participants used the intricate beauty of visual art to convey the narrative of action and its consequences in three to four minutes. An unconventional methodology that has evolved and changed drastically over the years, Movie-Making is a detailed process of communication with abstract props; visual representations; sound and stimulations. 

Mime – The event was presided over by Mr. Rajan Chawla and Ms. Roshni Shripad; renowned for their emotive magnificence. Mime was a recorded event wherein the picture of silence prevailed but was worth a thousand words, all in three minutes. Stripping away the shackles bound on imagination, the mime allowed emotions to speak more than words and let the raw, expressive nature of human emotion prevail over the clamour and vociferity of speech.

Standup Comedy-The event was judged by theatre practitioners like Mr. Rochan Mathur and Mr. Gaurav Verma. Standup Comedy was a three minute recorded event; a truly enriching act that blows a breath of fresh air to those immersed deeply in the world of powerful, emotive solitude. It reaches out to the audience, with relatability being its essence of success with humour on the side. The participants credibly showcased their sense of humour and ability to see the funny side of otherwise dire situations.

Dance Drama- The event was presided over by acclaimed dancers and performers Ms. Anu Rawal and Ms. Soumya . Dance Drama was a recorded event where participants expressed emotive tales with each step and curve moving in tandem with each twist in the story. Drama and dance have traditionally been integral parts of dramatic history that go hand in glove since a long time back. Dramatic dance employs theatrical narrative action to showcase the power and ingenuity of two emotive arts in a mixture of immense splendour.


THEATRON 2021-2022

The Valedictory Ceremony for Theatron 2021-2022 was organised on the 30th of January 2022. The auspicious Lamp Lighting ceremony marked the inauguration of the Theatre Festival, Theatron 2021-2022. The ceremony commenced with the Principal’s address.

The Principal, Ms  Padma Srinivasan addressed the gathering by welcoming the Chief Guest, Ms. Neena Gupta and Guests of Honour, Mr. Imtiaz Ali, Mr. Amit Sharma and Mr. Vikrant Massey. She applauded the efforts of all the participants and encouraged them to continue upholding this enthusiasm. She commended the efforts of the teacher in-charge Ms. Sanya Taneja and the students of the Expressions Theatre Club for hosting Theatron Thirst for Theatre 2021-22 at an all-time zenith of a national event with 66 schools participating from all over the country through a virtual medium. She congratulated the entire team for their tireless efforts. 

The event was graced by the presence of the Chief Guest, the much acclaimed and experienced television actress- Ms. Neena Gupta. She emphasized on the fact that theatre had had a big role in shaping her career as well as the profound impact it had on her life. She spoke eloquently about the necessity of discipline in the ever-broadening horizons of the constantly changing world we live in today. She called theatre the greatest of all the art forms that is required for holistic development and congratulated all those who seized the opportunity of participating in Theatron, making her love for theatre evident.  

The Guests of Honour, all renowned artistes with immense experience and success in their fields- Mr. Imtiaz Ali, Mr. Amit Sharma and Mr. Vikrant Massey graced the occasion with their presence. Mr. Imtiaz Ali spoke vividly about theatre, his views sending waves of encouragement to all the club members. He concluded by expressing his heartfelt wishes to all the participants who had taken part in Theatron and commended the club’s efforts for providing the platform to all theatre enthusiasts. Mr Amit Sharma passionately described how theatre was very close to his heart and encouraged the students to follow their passion with such creative endeavours. Mr. Vikrant Massey expressed his fondness for theatre and how he vividly remembered wanting to do it. He told the students to take a plunge into the ‘creative side of life’ by immersing themselves into it to experience fulfillment .

The students of Delhi Public School R.K. Puram then presented a short movie which displayed an in-depth sight into the world of artistes and highlighted the significance of essential attributes such as humility and respect.

Finally, the much awaited moment of glory had arrived- The announcement of the results of Theatron 2021-2022. The photos of the winners, along with snippets of the winning performances were displayed. 

The valedictory ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by the club incharge, Ms Sanya Taneja. She encapsulated the true essence of theatre by quoting Vanessa Redgrave who compared the importance of theatre to water, which in itself is a prerequisite. She appreciated the fervent passion for theatre in every person associated with Theatron 2021-22. She congratulated the winners and participants. She expressed her heartfelt gratitude towards all those who had contributed to the success of this event with such grandeur and fervour.










Delhi Public School, Noida

Kavya Jindal


Hansraj Model School

Kajit Dhingra


Delhi Public School Greater Noida

Avinash Gautam




La Martiniere for Boys, Kolkata

Arnesh Chatterjee


Delhi Public School R.K Puram

Gianna Bahl


The Doon School

Katyayan Kanodia





La Martiniere for Boys, Kolkata

Raunak Chatterjee


Amity Pushp Vihar Sector 7

Smaya Jain


Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan

Anoushka Sabnis




Sri ram aravali

Nayanika Nair


Tagore International School, Vasant Vihar

Manya Batta


Amity Pushp Vihar Sector 7

Adi Singh


Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan

Ahaan Singh




Tagore International School, Vasant Vihar

Jiya Chawla


Delhi Public School Sushant Lok

Prachi Jena


Delhi Public School, Noida

Tanvi Srivastava


Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan

Yashvi Khanna


St. Xavier’s Senior Secondary School

Tarana Jain




Delhi Public School R.K Puram

Kalyani Wadehra


Delhi Public School Sushant Lok

Alok Mehta


Jaspal Kaur Public School

Arpita Sharma





Delhi Public School, Noida

Avya Pandhi


Delhi Public School Mathura Road

Arnav Singh Sethi


Delhi Public School R.K Puram

Aryan Mehra




Delhi Public School, Noida

Japneet Singh


Delhi Public School Vasant Kunj



St. Xavier’s Senior Secondary School

Daksh Kapur


Delhi Public School Azaad Nagar Kanpur

Kanishth Dubey


Tagore International, Vasant Vihar

Sabhya Arora




Delhi Public School, Nipania Indore

Prakhar Kundlia


Don Bosco School, Panbazar

Dorothy Thakuria


Delhi Public School R.K Puram

Siya Abrol


St. Xavier’s Senior Secondary School

Sarisha Mehta


Tagore International School EOK

Jini Pukhrambam



Delhi Public School Noida


“Life’s most urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” 

-Martin Luther King Jr” 

It is said that there is a deep bond between society and man, they are interdependent. If there are no men, there is no society and man, in turn, cannot exist without society. Man is a social creature. He depends on society for the fulfilment of his desires. It is a society that gives him opportunities, and in return, a man must do something for the good of society by giving back in his ways. The Social Service League abides by exactly these morals and is a community of students dedicated to the betterment of society. 

The social service league began its new session with this aim in mind. The club students organised and attended several workshops and presentations, including one on International Day of Sign Language, a Mental Health Workshop, and a presentation on Child Labor Day, all aimed to raise awareness and help students become better citizens. 

Healthy competition inspires students to do their best – not just good enough. When students compete, they will become more inquisitive, research independently, and learn to work with others. They will endeavour to go above and beyond the call of duty. With this in mind, the social service league conducted various competitions throughout the year. On autism pride day, a mime-making competition was held to educate people about how there is no harm in being different. The children were able to show off their ingenuity by competing in a presentation making competition. A video analysis competition was organised to enhance the skill of analysing various perspectives that a single video can portray. 

On World Kindness and Adoption Day, a movie-making competition was held to instil empathy. An advertisement making competition was conducted to increase awareness about various social evils of society. A skit competition on the global family day was organized to cherish the beautiful moments spent with our families and create stronger human bonds, followed by a Human Trafficking Awareness Day workshop to make everyone aware of the prevalence of Human Trafficking and its devastating consequences on society.

Celebration Of International Year Of Millets 2023

(under Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman: DOE Activity)

Millet ranks as the sixth most important cereal grain in the world today, sustaining more than one-third of the world’s population. To create awareness about the goodness of millet, the following online activities were undertaken in this regard by the Health and I Club, Biology Department in the month of  January  2021.

Theme:: Balanced diet/Nutrition for pregnant ladies/Nutrition for lactating mother/ Nutrition for adolescents/Diet for children

 (a) Competition: Collage making For Classes VI to VIII

 (b) Competition: Poem writing  For Classes IX to XII

The students displayed their creativity through innovative ideas. Their enthusiasm and awareness about the theme were evident through their respective presentations.

The budding poets through their self-composed poems explained the significance of a balanced diet to stay fit and fine.

The activities were organized under the guidance of  Ms Niva Chhonkar, HOD Biology 

and coordinated by Ms Jyoti Sharma and Ms Shalini Chanana, Incharges of the 

Health And I Club.

The result of the activities conducted  is as follows:


India Fest 2021-22

INDIA FEST 2021-22: “Jashn-e-Azadi” 

“Cultivation of mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence.” – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

India Fest 2021-22 was organised by the Humanities Faculty of Delhi Public School, R. K. Puram on 21 January 2022 for honouring the rich culture and history of our country, 75 years post-independence. 27 schools and more than 150 students from across Delhi NCR and the country came together to participate in a range of invigorating events on the theme: “Jashn-e-Azadi”. The event was coordinated by teachers of the Humanities stream with Ms. Padma Srinivasan, the Principal, as the Overall Incharge. 

Event 1: Mahan Vibhutiyon Se Sakshatkar – Role Play 

Mahan Vibhutiyon Se Sakshatkar – a Role Play competition awakened, both in the performers and their audience, a feeling of reverence and respect for the history of our country. Through the medium of theatre, the participants brought up a mirror to the past, portraying the heroes of the Indian National Movement. Brimming with patriotism, the young actors presented reasons and rationale for the historical actions of their chosen character. The event was judged by Dr. Savita Jha Khan and Dr. Ritu Arora.



Event 2: Nation First, Always First – Declamation Competition

Nation First, Always First – Declamation Competition brought forward the spirit of patriotism in the form of enthralling speeches by the youth of the nation. The participants linked the hopes of the past and their vision of the future in eloquent words as they provided solutions to real world problems. The extensive research brought out multiple perspectives on subjects encompassing everything from emojis to aatmanirbharta. The event was judged by Mr. Avichal Bhatnagar and Dr. Ishan Bakshi on the basis of relevance, accuracy, coherence, diction and creativity.

Event 3: India of my dreams – Weave a Story through Pictures & Cartoons

India of my dreams – Weave a Story through Pictures & Cartoons ignited a spark of ingenuity and patriotism towards the country as participants were expected to envisage and put forth their version of an ideal India by stringing together four interrelated images with captions telling the story craftily. The event was judged by Ms. Ruchi Pritam and Ms. Diksha Dwivedi.

Event 4: Samvaad – The Turncoat Debate Competition

Samvaad – The Turncoat Debate Competition kindled the flame of analysis and deliberation, demonstrating both sides of the coin through a turncoat debate. This event lent the participants a platform to express their opinion on matters relevant to contemporary times and necessitated for the audience to contemplate and ponder. The accomplished  debaters exhibited their perspectives on subjects related to freedom of speech and expression, the relationship between technology and economic inequality , a one-child policy in India, protectionism versus globalisation, and the universality of access to healthcare. The event was judged by Ms Gaurie Dwivedi and Ms Shambhavi Singh, who are debating aficionados. 


Event 5: The Partition of India: A Rendition of Psychological Anguish – Skit

The Partition of India: A rendition of Psychological Anguish enabled a new appreciation for overcoming mental and emotional trauma caused by global happenings. Through the skit competition, students were able to showcase their psychological prowess by enacting stories showcasing a patient and a therapist from 1947-1950. The competition- which was judged by Mr. Siddharth Sethi and Ms. Anvita Maindiratta on the basis of valid therapeutic setting, expression, psychological relevance, presentation and coordination between opponents- provided a much needed creative platform for discussion of important relevant issues on a level playing field.

Event 6: Legal Labyrinth – Moot Court Simulation Competition 

Legal Labyrinth – a Moot Court Competition encouraged the budding legal enthusiasts to argue their cases in an extensive stimulation of court proceedings. The teams were judged on the basis of their understanding and application of facts, the presentation of issues and their advocacy ability, application of legal principles, terminology, authorities and precedents, communication skills, and responses to rebuttals. The event was judged by Adv. Kamal Agarwal and Adv. Aditya Kumar Choudhary, both of whom are advocates in the Supreme Court.  





The Valedictory ceremony was held on 23 January 2022 via the online platform Youtube.

The ceremony began with an enthralling dance performance by the students of the performing Art Society of Delhi Public School, R. K. Puram to honour Lord Ganesha. It was followed by Principal Ms. Padma Srinivasan addressing the virtual gathering. She talked about the importance of understanding the nuances of freedom and the struggle involved in achieving it.She also spoke about the different events and how they were thoughtfully designed to let the children get a feel of walking in the shoes of the great men who have their names etched in gold  .She also spoke of self reliance and Atma Nirbharta  and the importance of it in this age.

Her empowering words were followed by a patriotic classical dance by the talented students of DPS R. K. Puram. Glimpses of the events and a skit about the unsung hero Sardar Udham Singh conceptualized by the Principal herself, and executed by members of the Expressions Theatre Club, ignited a flame of deep devotion for the nation.  

Next, the much anticipated results were declared, with the overall winners trophy going to Ahlcon Public School Mayur Vihar and Delhi Public School R. K. Puram. 

Vice Principal Mr Anil Kathuria proposed the vote of thanks. Mr Anil Kathuria thanked all the  participants and teachers involved in helping make the show a grand success.. The ceremony concluded with the National Anthem.






EVENT 1: Mahan Vibhutiyon Se Sakshatkar – Role Play


Tagore International School

Tia Banerjee


Delhi Public School R. K. Puram

Aryan Mehra

Delhi Public School Noida

Tanvi Srivastava


Delhi Public School Indirapuram

Progya Gosh

Delhi Public School Mathura Road

Areeb Ahmed 

EVENT 2: Atmanirbhar Bharat – Declamation Competition


Delhi Public School Indirapuram



Bal Bharati Public School

Jasveen Kaur


Delhi Public School Sonepat

Saumya Thakur

EVENT 3: India of my Dreams – Weave a Story through Pictures & Cartoons


Holy Child Auxilium School Vasant Vihar

Ayesha Faisal

Lydia Nemthianhoih Hussain


Delhi Public School Dwarka

Teghnoor Singh

Sanvi Sachdeva


Ahlcon International School Mayur Vihar

Aarav Tuteja

Suhani Harit

Delhi Public School R. K. Puram

Samdisha Singh

Ananya Singh

EVENT 4: Samvaad – The Turncoat Debate Competition


Army Public School Sadar Bazaar Road

Adarsh Singh


Delhi Public School Rohini

Meyhar Mahendru


Step by Step School Noida

Sara Kothari

EVENT 5: The Partition of India: A Rendition of Psychological Anguish – Skit


Delhi Public School R. K. Puram

Shreyansh Jha

Krish Kejriwal

Delhi Public School Indirapuram

Prerna Srirajsi

Tamanna Rathi


Delhi Public School Rohini

Ambika Khemka

S. Gayatri


Delhi Public School Noida

Devyani Mengi

Vanshika Jha

EVENT 6: Legal Labyrinth – Moot Court Simulation Competition


Delhi Public School Vasant Kunj

Nyonika Katiyar

Vanshika Utreja

Delhi Public School R. K. Puram

Suhani Vats



Mount Carmel School Anand Niketan

Apra Sharma

Srishti Nagrath


Mount Carmel School Dwarka

Aarushi Chauhan

Tamanna Tikko


Ahlcon Public School Mayur Vihar & Delhi Public School R. K. Puram