IPSC Boys Squash Championship 2019

All India IPSC Squash Boys Championship was held at RIMC College Dehradun Uttarakhand, from 9-13th July 2019. DPS RK Puram Aryaveer Won Gold Medal in the U-14 Individual Championship. In U14 Boys DPS RK Puram Won Bronze Medal in the Team Championship and U-19 Boys Won Bronze Medal in the   Championship 2019.

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Iridescence – Book Discussion Winners

Sahaj Garg and Hiyaa Poddar of Class XI won the best team award in the Book Discussion event, in Iridescence, the Annual Competition held at Carmel Convent School. It was a discussion on the book, “The Old Man and The Sea.” The event comprised of the first round wherein all the teams gave their views […]

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Terrarium Wins The Second Prize At Mount Carmel School

A team of two students comprising of Navoneel Bandyo (Class VII G) and Gargi Panda (Class VI A) won the second prize in ‘Interact 2019’, an Inter-school Science competition organised by Mount Carmel School, Anand Niketan on July 23rd 2019. The topic of the Model making competition was ‘Interdependence of biotic and abiotic components’. The […]

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Biology Model Wins The First Prize At Carmel Convent School

A team of six students of class IX-Ishaan Semwal, Naman Kohli(IX-K), Aadhya Dhar, Aniket, Mahika Miglani and Prathamesh Jha (IX-N) from DPS RK PURAM participated in an inter-school model making competition at Carmel Convent on 22nd July 2019 and were awarded the First Prize. The theme was “Sustainable Development”. The Chief Guest was the Principal […]

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Winner of “Book Discussion”

Reha Malik of XII S won the First Prize in a Book Discussion held at New Era Public School during the 13 R.L Chopra Memorial Competition on 26 July 2019. The book discussion was on the book ‘ The Kite Runner ‘by Khaled Hosseini.

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Overall Winners at Byte.IT 2019 – an Inter School IT Symposium

Byte.IT 2019, an inter school IT symposium, was held at Bal Bharti Public School, Pitampura on the 24th and 25th of July 2019. Exun Clan bagged the Overall Trophy! The individual results are as follows: Quiz – WinnersAngad SinghVinayak Pachnanda Hackathon – WinnerPulkit GargSarthak Mangla Group Discussion – WinnersAreeb Nabi RoboWars – WinnersShashank SinghAaditya Yadav […]

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Scholar Badge Ceremony CLASS XII

The Scholar Badge Ceremony for Class XII  was conducted on 24 July 2019 as commemoration of the students’ achievements and their contributions to the school. Mr V.K. Shunglu, Chairman of the DPS Society and DPS R.K.Puram Managing Committee graced the event with his august presence. The theme for the event was ‘Help others see and […]

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Iridescence: Annual Interschool Fest

The annual interschool fest Iridescence, conducted on 22nd July 2019 at Carmel Convent School Chanakyapuri, included some events like the English Debate, Science Olympiad and Model-Making competition. In the science fest, Siddhant Parekh of 12-D secured the second position while in the Model-Making competition, DPS RK Puram was awarded the first prize for the ingenious […]

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IPSC Boys U-14 Tennis Championship 2019

All India IPSC Tennis Boys U-14 Championship was held at Hyderabad Public school, Begum Pat, Hyderabad from 26th-30th June 2019. DPS RK Puram Won the Gold Medal in the U-14 Team Championship and U14 Boys. DPS RK Puram  also won the Bronze Medal in the Team Championship 2019. In the U-14 Individual Championship Ranbir Singh […]

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Inter DPS Chess Girls Open Championship 2019

All India Inter DPS Chess Girls Open Championship was held at DPS Aligarh (U.P) from 19th-20th July 2019.The participants of DPS RK Puram,Saanya Mahesh and Kamya Negi  bagged the Overall Championship amongst the 23 DPS Schools Which took part in the two-day event.  Saanya Mahesh won the Individual Board Prize Trophy.

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Overall Winners at Xino 2019 – Inter-School IT Symposium

Inter-School IT Symposium – Xino 2019 was held on Saturday, July 20, 2019, at Delhi Public School Rohini. Exun Clan won the Overall Trophy. The individual results are as follows: Programming — WinnersBharat Goyal Crossword — WinnersVinayak PachnandaAlhad Sethi Quiz — WinnersAlhad SethiKabir Goel Open-Source Marathon — Second Runners UpSomesh Kar Congratulations to all the winners!

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