Poetry Enactment Competition
The national girl child day is celebrated every year on 24th January. It was started by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in 2008. It aims towards promoting awareness about the rights of the girl child and to increase awareness on the importance of girl education, and their health and nutrition.
A poetry enactment competition on this year’s theme “My Voice ,Our Equal Future ” was conducted by the Social Service League. 6 students – Alma Ali (11-U), Devina Singh (11-V),Riddhi Khurana(11 K), Simran Joshi (11 Q), Bharat Bhargava (11U) and Srijan Gupta(11 H) conducted this competition along with their Teacher In-charge Ms. Preeti Pratihari. This competition was done in order to spread awareness about the discrimination and stereotypes that continue to exist against girls, and the need to get over with.
Class X student members of the Social Service League participated in this event. The event was judged by Ms. Divya Kapoor( English Department)
The result is as follows-
1st Position- Vedika Shukla (10-J)
2nd Position- Faina Bhandari (10-M)
3rd Position- Riddhi Gupta (10-J)
Scholar Badge Ceremony 2020 – Class XI (Sections K-X)
“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” ― Maya Angelou.
Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram hosted the annual Scholar Badge Ceremony for Class XI (sections K – X) on 22 January 2021, via, Zoom, the virtual platform. The theme for the event this year was “A diamond earns its sparkle from the pressure it endures’.
The esteemed Chief Guest for the day was Mr. Amit Khare, an IAS officer, who presently holds the office of Secretary, Higher Education, and Secretary, Ministry of I&B.
Mr. Atul Kumar Thakur, the Deputy Commissioner of Police, South District, New Delhi, and an alumnus of DPS R.K. Puram 2002 batch, kindly consented to be the Guest of Honour.
The event commenced with the symbolic lighting of the lamp, followed by a harmonious orchestral performance by the talented and skilled instrumentalists of D.P.S. R.K. Puram’s Indian Music Society.
A short film highlighting the wide-ranging achievements of the students, scaling greater heights, undeterred by the unique challenges of this neoteric academic session, was presented.
In her opening address, The Principal, Ms. Padma Srinivasan, congratulated the scholar badge awardees on their exemplary achievements, both academic and extracurricular, in fields including debating, theatre, music, sports, dance etc. She reiterated the wide range of opportunities available to the students at R.K. Puram, which, according to her, provides holistic development and facilitates students in becoming well-rounded adults who are an asset to society. Drawing an analogy between how graphite must endure severe and sustained pressure in order to transform into a diamond.She reassured and inspired her pupils, stating how the tricky circumstances and misfortunes one suffers through are what ultimately help them earn their ‘sparkle’. In her opinion, resilience is the real key to all accomplishments, not talent. She concluded her speech by urging the young scholars to work hard and find success, and commended them, their supportive parents and the hardworking teachers for never failing to produce stellar results.
The Western Music Society then performed a mellifluous and sanguine song, “Victorious”, which showcased the persistent determination and tenacity of the students to strive for success and victory despite trying times, tying into the theme of the event.
In his address, the Chief Guest, Mr. Amit Khare commended the faculty and students of D.P.S. R.K. Puram for coping excellently in the face of adversity, and undertaking the great endeavour of conducting virtual classes and activities. According to Mr. Khare, teaching and learning must go hand-in-hand. He then spoke about the new and revolutionary National Education Policy, which aims to accomplish the same. He praised DPS R.K.P. in this regard.In his opinion, the teachers’ meticulous care and dedication towards their pupils is the reason R.K. Puram’s alumni are able to distinguish themselves in every imaginable field. He also elaborated that we, as a society, will have to re-learn and adapt to unprecedentedly new environments and challenges in the coming years, in both academic as well as professional spheres. In light of this, the exceptional foundations which R.K. Puram provides its students will be more crucial than ever, according to Mr. Khare.
The Guest of Honour, Mr. Atul Kumar Thakur, began his address by congratulating the young scholars on their remarkable achievements. He stated how R.K. Puram’s motto ‘Service Before Self’ instils and equips each student with the skill-set and knowledge required to reach higher realms of achievement. He urged the pupils to always strive to do better and expand their capacities in pursuit of excellence. Mr. Thakur also stressed the importance of creating holistic and inclusive learning spaces that cater to all students’ requirements and interests and narrated his personal experiences at R.K. Puram regarding the same. He stated how merely being educated and skilled is not enough; one must also imbibe the right attitude, and know how best to apply their skills to better the world around them. According to Mr. Thakur, work never feels like work when one aligns their interests to it. Thus, he concluded by expressing his wish that the students’ passion and aptitude govern their choice of higher education and profession, and urged them to allow their setbacks and failures to guide them towards success.
The much anticipated award ceremony was conducted by the Representatives of Class XI. Ms Ritu Kumar felicitated the Blue Tie, Blue Badge and Blue Blazer awardees, while the Green Badge awardees were felicitated by Ms S. K. Nagalakshmi.
The vote of thanks was delivered by the Vice-Principal, Dr Renu Nayyar, who addressed the gathering and thanked the Chief Guest and the Guest of Honour for taking time out of their hectic schedules to grace the ceremony with their presence and enlightening the students with their invaluable words of wisdom. She commended the students on their consistently outstanding achievements, and thanked the parents for their continued support. Dr. Nayyar also thanked the staff and students for making this proud event a success despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.
The event concluded with the national anthem and a message on Covid-19.
‘Gold Finalist’ Award
In June 2020, the Royal Commonwealth Society of London organized an essay writing competition for students. The theme of the 2020 competition was ‘Climate Action and the Commonwealth’. Praniti Gulyani of XI-U was awarded the ‘Gold Finalist’ award for her essay entitled ‘Change – A Way of Life’, out of over 13,000 entries worldwide.

Spurthi Nimbali Giving Wings To Her Imagination By- ‘My Paper Boats’
“My Paper Boats” is a collection of 42 self-composed poems by a budding debut poet, Spurti Nimbali of Class IX-H.The poems are lucid, original, relevant and as the poet describes them- “‘ a mirror to her thoughts’. The book harbours an arbitrary set of poems that showcase the mind of an ordinary, thirteen year old dreamer. Published by the Orange Books Stores, the book is now available both as paperback and eBook on Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Flipkart, GoogleBooks and OrangeBooks Store.
Spurti is the daughter of an Army Officer who is currently studying in class IX of Delhi Public School R.K. Puram. She owns a mind with a myriad of aspirations and a heart driven to conquer them all. She is an all rounder who describes herself as an optimistic girl who is a dog lover and is tech-savvy.

Photography Competition
A photography competition on the topic ‘Dignity of Labour’ was conducted by the Social Service League. 6 students of the Social Service League, Alma Ali(11 U), Bharat Bhargava (11 U), Devina Singh(11 V), Riddhi Khurana(11 K), Simran Joshi (11 Q) and Srijan Gupta(11 H) conducted this competition along with their Teacher In-charge Ms. Preeti Pratihari. This competition was done to inculcate the virtue of selfless care towards humanity, among the students of the Social Service League and make them aware of the importance of thinking about the ones who do so much for us, but don’t get the same return.
The participants were told to click a picture of any form of labour they saw around their houses, edit them and think of a meaningful caption for the photo they clicked. 23 students of class XI participated in this competition and their pictures were judged by Ms. Sarika Kaushal.
The results are as follows-
1st Position- Kritika Sharma 11-A
2nd Position- Srishti Agarwal 11C
3rd Position- SP Thanushree 11 U
The Winning Picture
Scholar Badge Ceremony 2020- Class XI (A-J)
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the will to continue that counts”
- Winston Churchill
Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram hosted the annual Scholar Badge Ceremony for Class XI on 15 January 2021, via the virtual platform of Zoom. The theme for the event this year was “A diamond earns its sparkle from the pressure it endures”. The esteemed Chief Guest for the day was Dr. Joseph Emmanuel, Director of the Central Board of Secondary Education, India.
Dr Amitabha Bagchi, Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & Engg., Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, kindly consented to be the Guest of Honour.
The event commenced with the symbolic lighting of the lamp, followed by an orchestral performance by the talented instrumentalists of the Indian Music Society.
A short film highlighting the wide-ranging achievements of the students, undeterred by the unique challenges of this neoteric academic session, was presented.
In her welcoming address, the Principal, Ms. Padma Srinivasan, congratulated the awardees on their accomplishments in a wide range of school experiences which encompass both academic and extracurricular activities. She shed light on the numerous opportunities provided to the students at DPS R.K. Puram, which facilitates them in becoming the best version of themselves. Drawing analogies between diamond’s way of earning sparkle from the pressure it endures, she emphasized on the importance of tough times and resilience in a man’s path to success. In her opinion, the way of dealing with adversities is to work in such a way that it makes us stand out from the crowd. She concluded her speech by congratulating the students and thanking their supportive parents and the hardworking teachers.
The Western Music Society performed a mellifluous and upbeat song, “Victorious”, which showcased the relentless determination and tenacity of the students to strive for success and victory even during these strenuous times.
The Chief Guest, Dr. Joseph Emmanuel, expressed his happiness and gratitude on being a part of the celebration of the numerous achievements of DPS R.K. Puram. He congratulated the leadership, students, faculty and parents. He recognized the stature maintained by the school in both academic and co-scholastic areas during its journey through the years, and emphasised on the fact that excellence could only be achieved through hard work and perseverance.
Dr. Emmanuel also drew attention to the necessity of developing good values and virtues in students. Speaking of the new National Education Policy which envisages the development of all rounder citizens, he commended DPS R.K. Puram for already having implemented it, setting an example for all other institutions in the country. He touched upon the sustainable development goals of the United Nations to illustrate how working together in unity can truly transform a nation, and spoke briefly of India’s biggest asset; its youth. He concluded his address by expressing his hope that R.K. Puram’s tradition of hard work, building good character and attaining excellence continues. He congratulated all the students and the entire DPS family for upholding and maintaining its position as the number one school of the country.
The Guest of Honour, Dr. Amitabha Bagchi, an alumnus of 1992 batch, expressed his gratitude to the Principal for giving him the opportunity of being a part of the ceremony and congratulated all the award winners. He then spoke about DPS R.K. Puram’s role in shaping his life and teaching him the importance of time. He specifically pointed out two things he felt everyone should adopt in their lives. Firstly, he stated that we ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and secondly, we must hear out people who don’t share our opinions and see them for who they are. According to him, in that process, we can create a meaningful life for ourselves. He concluded by encouraging students to find a true purpose in life.
The award ceremony commenced with the felicitation of the Blue tie awardees by Ms. Shalini Harisukh, followed by the second Blue Badge and first Blue Badge winners. Ms. S. K. Nagalakshmi felicitated the Blue Blazer, second Green Badge and first Green Badge awardees.
The vote of thanks was delivered by the Vice Principal, Dr. Renu Nayyar, who addressed the gathering and thanked the Chief Guest and the Guest of Honour for gracing the ceremony with their presence and for enlightening the students by sharing their words of wisdom. She praised the students for their achievements and consistent efforts and thanked the parents for their continued support. She also thanked the staff and students for making this event a success.
The event concluded with the national anthem and a message on Covid-19.