An educational trip was organized for Classes IX and  XI students on December 22, 2023, by the Biology Department  to National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR). The institute is renowned for its  research in plant genomics, contributing significantly to the understanding of plant biology and its applications in agriculture. The purpose of the visit was to provide the students  firsthand experience of various techniques and witness the advancements that are shaping the future of agriculture.

The journey started with a guided tour of  the institute’s laboratories, where students witnessed scientists and researchers actively engaged in various experiments. The sight of advanced molecular biology techniques, including DNA separation, gel electrophoresis and gene editing using CRISPR/Cas 9 was both inspiring and educational. Students were fascinated by Botanical chatterbox ;an AI-driven tool adept at decoding plant-generated sounds to assess their health.

The students were then seated  into the auditorium where they witnessed a captivating lecture by Mr Ajoy Ghatak; renowned IIT Delhi professor on the applications of Einstein’s famous equation (E=mc^2) and his four groundbreaking papers published in 1905.

Students visited the Central Instrumentation Area with automated DNA sequencing Facility,a demo for DNA and Protein isolation was given.Posters were displayed to  spread awareness of different applications of Plant Genomics research like:

Stress Tolerant Crops for achieving United Nation SDG-13,Smart insects,smarter crops,Bioinformatics: new era of Biology,Genome Editing is the solution,‘Flavonoids’: crucial impact on chickpea,‘Anthocyanin Marvel’: The red banana revolution,Elegance of DNA Packaging,Molecular Barcoding for Plant authentication Captivating Exhibits included:,Genetic Engineering for removing ‘Hidden Hunger’,Scuba Diver Rice Variety,Climate Smart Crops for a Green Tomorrow,AI in Agriculture,Millets: the golden grains,Insect Resistant Crop plants,Super Mustard by CRISPR/Cas9

The posters and exhibitions were extremely helpful for the students to learn about various applications and deepened  understanding of Biotechnology beyond the classrooms. Overall the field trip to the National Institute of Plant Genome Research was an enriching experience that left an indelible impression on the minds of the  students , inspiring them to consider pursuing careers in plant biology and genetics. The students were accompanied by the teachers of Biology Department,Ms Niva Chhonkar,Ms Kajal Sehi, Ms Shalini Chanan & Ms Dimple Menon.

The trip served as a bridge between classroom learning and real-world application, reinforcing the importance of scientific research in shaping a sustainable and resilient future.