Student Pilot – Gurmehar Singh

Gurmehar Singh Makker, class-12-M, has successfully completed his pilot training at YTZ international airport, Toronto, Canada. (9th busiest airport of Canada & the 3rd busiest of Ontario). He completed 30 hours of flying. Gurmehar did his first solo flight just after 17 hours of dual flight (with instructor), excellent by their standards. He was also their youngest student (age- 16 years). He cleared the licensing exam with 100% score & now holds the Student Pilot License to fly Cessna 172 aircrafts.

Gurmehar also took a cross country flight from Billy Bishop international airport to Muskoka, totaling for 2.2 hours. His flying skills have earned him a certificate of appreciation from his instructors!
DPS RKPuram is proud of Gurmehar, One of the youngest Licensed Student Pilot!
