Scholar Badge Class X

The Scholar Badge Ceremony of Class X (Sections A-N) was held on 8 August, 2018. The ceremony is a much awaited event for the school as several deserving students, both in the fields of academics and co-curricular activities are felicitated on stage.

The Chief Guest for the event, Mr Javier Menendez, Education Attachè, Embassy of Spain in India, was welcomed by the Principal, Ms Vanita Sehgal and the Vice Principal, Ms Anita Singh.

The ceremony commenced with the lighting of the lamp. The welcome song and the school orchestra captivated the audience with a pleasing symphony which was followed by the felicitation of the Chief Guest. A short film highlighting the school’s various achievements in academics, sports and extracurricular activities was shown which elicited a huge round of applause from the audience.

The Chief Guest addressed the gathering, expressing his gratitude for the gracious invite and spoke about how as an educator for over 20 years and representing his country in four states, interacting with students brought back sweet memories. Appreciating the school’s motto ‘Service before Self’, he said his faith in humankind was restored as he believed that the future of India, the current generation, would make India a better place. He concluded by advising the students to continue with perseverance and determination during challenging times and  encouraged them to reach out for the stars. He quoted Gautam Buddha, “What you think, you become; what you imagine, you create; what you feel, you attract.”

The Principal, Ms. Vanita Sehgal, congratulated the students on their achievements and introduced the theme for the ceremony ‘Cogito, Ergo Sum’, translated from Latin as, ‘ I think, therefore I am.’ She began her address with a thought provoking question “ Do you think before you speak?“ Elaborating on this thought, she spoke about how loss is the only outcome when we act without thinking. Presenting examples of various inventors like Galileo Galilei and Alexander Graham Bell; philosophers like Gautam Buddha, Swami Vivekananda and Rousseau, she explained that the reason behind their success was their ‘out of the box’ thinking. The only way for students to carve out their niche or identity is to think for themselves .She concluded by telling the audience to THINK before speaking and see whether your thought follows the norms of – T for truthful, H for helpful, I for inspiring, N for necessary and K for kindness.

The cultural programme presented an interwoven tapestry of performances. The actors took the stage by storm by performing a play, ‘The Five Commandments of Life.’ Incorporated in the story was a fusion of Indian and Spanish dances, a riveting mime and a beautiful melody by the school choir.

The Award Distribution Ceremony was conducted by the Class Representatives, Ms. Vinita Gupta and Ms. Shaloo Khanna who introduced the scholars. The Chief Guest, the Principal and the Vice Principal congratulated and presented the students with the awards. Special awards like the Shrimati Swadesh Malik Memorial Award was bestowed upon the girl student who showed the highest improvement in Class IX. The 100% Attendance Award was also given to the students.

The Vice Principal, Ms. Anita Singh, delivered the Vote of Thanks and the ceremony concluded with the National Anthem of both the nations: Spain and India.