Online Training on “Social Media and Cyber Security”

NEP 2020 prioritizes the integration of cyber safety education into educational programs, aiming to enhance awareness and provide students with the necessary digital literacy skills for secure internet navigation. In this age of unprecedented digital evolution, nurturing awareness regarding Social Media and Cybersecurity is imperative for our technology-driven society. Cybersecurity promotes a sustainable and harmonious coexistence between humanity and technology, ensuring a brighter and more balanced future.

For students, it instills responsible online behavior, ensuring they understand the risks and potential consequences of their actions on social media. It equips them with vital cybersecurity knowledge to protect themselves from digital threats. For teachers, this training allows them to guide students in safe and ethical internet usage while also securing their own digital presence. In an age where online interactions are integral to education and life, this training is essential for fostering a secure, informed, and responsible digital community within schools.

As part of the online training series on ‘ Cyber Safety and Security’, for the month of November, CIET-NCERT in collaboration with National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) is organising a five-hours online training on “Social Media and Cyber Security” from 30 October – 3 November, 2023 from 4:00 pm5:00 pm to enhance the understanding of teachers, students, teacher educators, and various stakeholders. The online training will be live on NCERT official YouTube Channel- and also be simulcast through PMeVidya DTH TV Channels numbered #6-12 and Jio TV mobile app.

Therefore, the States/UTs are requested to share this information of this programme organized by CIET-NCERT with all the faculties, teachers, teacher educators, students and other stakeholders. The banner and the information brochure of this online training programme is attached herewith and may also be disseminated through websites/ social media posts/ instant messenger groups etc. All the details regarding this training is available in the event page.

Event Page:

All Information regarding this event is accessible at,

Webpage Link: 

QR Code:

We look forward to your support and participation in this online training. For any query, you may contact Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Programme Coordinator, CIET-NCERT at [email protected].

Youtube Link for NCERT Official Resources –