NASA Scientist For a Day Contest

Members of Aeross: The Aerospace Society Ameya Aneja X-K, Manaal Azhar VIII-F and Kahini Kashyap IX-M won the 3rd position in the NASA Scientist For a Day Contest

NASA Scientist For a Day Contest (NASA SFAD) is an international science essay writing competition held by one of the NASA Laboratories – Radioscopic Power Systems. It is a competition one can participate in individually, or with a team of a maximum of 4 members. Students from Grade V to Grade XII are eligible to participate. Every year, 3 topics are provided, generally on the moons of different planets in the solar system and out of these, one can choose any one of the topics to write on. The topics and the word limit vary every year, with the word limit ranging from 300 to 500 words. One has to research deeply into the topographic, geographic and many other features of the moon they choose. One might also need to draw scientific assumptions, based on secondary research, and also display correct grammar, good vocabulary and logical thinking in the general structure of the essay. For the winners, their essays are published on the NASA Scientist For a Day website.

Ameya, Manaal and Kahini chose Titania, one of Uranus’ moons as their topic of research.