Interactive session on Water Conservation, importance of trees and Say ‘No’ to Plastics for Class VIII on September 25,2019
Students of Class VIII had an interactive session on Water Conservation, importance of trees and the danger that ‘single use’ plastics pose to us in today’s world, with Ms. Anshu Sharma, Founder Toysrep. The resource person was felicitated by the Principal, Ms Vanita Sehgal, with a Book and a Potted plant She was warmly welcomed by the Headmistress, Ms. Niva Chhonkar.The session began with a brief introduction of the Resource person. the session started with a focus on conservation of water since Fresh water is becoming a rare commodity. She threw light upon the amount of water being used for day to day activities and how at this rate we could be facing a severe scarcity of water in the coming years. She highlighted the 5 Rs of water: Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, Renew and Respect water. She sensitized the students that they need to be proactive so as to save water for themselves.
She also created awareness in the students towards the ‘misuse ‘of plastics. Plastics are the bane of our modern lives with several industries banking on it, textile, pharmaceuticals, newspaper, aeronauticals. She advised that a minimalistic approach could reduce the use of plastics. Our clothing, footwear and accessories use many a microplastics which accumulate in our environment when we discard them. She also introduced the element of shock when she displayed pictures of birds, turtles’ bodies full of plastics. These animals were tricked into thinking them to be food particles, in the oceans. The session ended with a quiz in which the students participated enthusiastically. Correct respondents were rewarded with pens.The session was informative and thought provoking.