An Interactive session was conducted for the students of Classes VI and VIII on 4th December, on good eating habits , the use of probiotics and the role of bacteria in our digestive systems.
Ms Jyoti and Ms Priyanka of the Danone group conducted the session. The Guest Presentation began with the Headmistress, Ms. Niva Chhonkar welcoming the guests and introducing the topic to the students with reference to useful and harmful bacteria, the importance of symbiotic bacteria in the human body, prebiotics,why are antibiotics harmful.
The session started with explaining the role of different parts of the Digestive system using a model. Interesting facts were presented to the students like the length of the human intestine, the number of bacteria present in the intestine, three types of bacteria, namely beneficial, neutral and harmful bacteria. The session proceeded further with the importance of balanced diet and prevention of alcohol- based drugs in the lives of growing students. The students answered the questions put up by the presenters enthusiastically. The programme concluded with an animated movie to understand how probiotics help to boost immunity and improve digestion.
The session was quite interactive and thoroughly enjoyed by the students.