A Virtual Guest Speaker Program was organised for students and teachers of classes VII and VIII on 23rd October 2020 on the topic “Prevention of Postural Disorders.” by Ms. Dimple Menon. The session was conducted by Dr Nishat Quddus, Associate Professor Department Of Rehabilitation Sciences, Jamia Hamdard University.
Dr Nishat mentioned that poor postures and inappropriate ergonomics may result in a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders, which could be prevented by very simple exercises.She also highlighted the common problems faced by the students and teachers due to long hours of computer work.
She also gave scientific explanations about advantages of maintaining good posture like it decreases wear and tear on joint surfaces, maximizes energy and decreases fatigue; when muscles are being used efficiently, the body expends less effort and prevents backache and chronic muscle pain.The session was very informative and interactive and it ended with the vote of thanks, proposed by the headmistress Ms.Niva Chhonkar.