Topic- Gratitude is Riches
Gratitude promotes optimism and helps us to develop a more positive outlook. This very idea was presented by VII-I in a beautiful manner. Tejas Upadhyay recited a melodious prayer ‘O palan hare” and Charwi Rawat conveyed the thought that we all should pause for a moment to reflect on something we have in our life right now instead of always striving for more. Even in the midst of crisis and change there are lessons to learn and things to be grateful for. after this a moving speech was followed by Viraj where he spoke about the keyto be grateful is with the first exercise and that is to express genuine gratitude and appreciation for specific things you already have in your life and not to think like a victim who ‘deserves’ more or who wishes they had more of something.Veda Dua and Agrita Trivedi concluded the Class Presentation with a self composed poem.
Teacher- Ms Taru
Class – VII-I
Headmistress- Ms Niva Chonnkar
Incharge – Ms Binu Channan