Vaisakhi (or Baisakhi) is the harvest festival of Punjab. Vaisakhi is symbolic of new beginnings and fills the heart of every Indian with joy and hope. It also has religious significance for the Sikhs, as it marks the beginning of the Sikh New Year and commemorates the creation of the Khalsa Panth under the pious leadership of Sh. Guru Gobind Singh. The presentation by the class began with a soulful prayer sung by Manya Bhandari that began everyone’s day on a devotional note. Keerthana Panchanathan recited a beautiful Sanskrit shlok, followed by a detailed explanation of what it meant. This was followed by an inspirational thought for the day by Sainka Walia and a melodious self-composed poem by Keerthana that aptly described the great pomp with which Vaisakhi is celebrated. The presentation ended with a speech on Vaisakhi by Riddhi Khurana, Shireen Sengupta, and Ishaan Singh. The compere, Aditya Gupta, presented a vote of thanks. The slides were compiled and designed by Mehhar Sodhi and Garrv Jain.