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Class X Virtual Orientation Program (2021-22)

An online orientation program was organised for the parents of Class X students on 10 April, 2021.  The orientation program focussed on introducing the parents to the respective subject teachers, to share the curriculum of various subjects, scheme of studies

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Theatron 2021

THIRST FOR THEATRE   “Theatre is the voiceless conversation between the heart and the soul, as each understands the other”   Theatron, the Annual Inter-School Theatre Festival, was organized on the 13th of February by the Expressions Theatre Club of

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Echoes Naad Ninaad ‘21

Echoes Naad Ninaad ‘21   “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” ― Aldous Huxley. Music is that connecting thread, that golden wire, which binds our hearts, souls and emotions together. It invariably finds a unique

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Ayaas Prayas Charitable Trust

“Gaining knowledge is the first step to wisdom, whereas sharing it is the first step to humanity.” The school recently collaborated with a charitable trust ‘Ayaas Prayaas’ to effectuate collaborative learning through academic resource sharing and online classes for students

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Interaction With Aluminus Dr Sujata Sharma

Think Club of D.P.S R.K Puram organised a live interactive session with Dr Sharma which proved to be very informative, interesting, and interactive. Dr Sujata Sharma is an Indian structural biologist, biophysicist and a professor at the Department of Biophysics

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Poetry Enactment Competition

The national girl child day is celebrated every year on 24th January. It was started by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in 2008. It aims towards promoting awareness about the rights of the girl child and to increase

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The Catalyst Club of Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram organised an ingenious event: CREATIVE CRAFTING(A competition on the making of bookmarks with slogans on Water Conservation) to bring out the hidden artist in a student and highlight their inventive element.

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“Freeze Tolerant Fun”

Biology and Biotechnology club of Delhi Public School RK Puram, organised the competition “Freeze Tolerant Fun” for the students. The competition consisted of the following 2 events:- Poem the picture             The participants were asked to choose a relevant picture related

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Language Fest 2020-21

“ To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.’’ – Chinese proverb.  Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram organised a series of inter school competitions in various languages on 15 and 16

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Stream Orientation Session Class X

Virtual Career Counselling sessions were organized by DPS R.K.Puram for students and parents of class X on 4th and 6th January 2021 to orient students about the various career options in all the three streams Science, Commerce and Humanities.  First

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Rendezvous with Mr. Siddhant Bhansali

The Economics, Business Studies and Accountancy Departments along with the Enship Club of Delhi Public School RK Puram organised a series of virtual webinars on the topic ‘My Entrepreneurial Experience’ in the month of December and January. The sixth webinar

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