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Assembly VII-G (14-12-2023)

TOPIC – “HUMAN RIGHTS DAY” ‘To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity’. To celebrate human rights, students of class VII G presented their Class Assembly on ‘Human Rights Day’. It began with an ardent prayer

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Assembly VI-G (13-12-2023)

TOPIC – “GURPURAB (3 PILLARS OF SIKHISM : NAAM JAPO, KIRAT KARO, VAND CHHAKO” “Gurpurab, a radiant celebration of divine wisdom and compassion, where the echoes of Guru Nanak’s teachings illuminate our hearts and inspire a journey of love, humility,

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Assembly XI-K & XI-L (12-12-2023)

TOPIC – “LEAVING FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TIME” “Leaving Footprints on the Sand of Time”. When you create a difference in someone’s life , you not only impact them,you impact everyone influenced by them throughout their lifetime. Some people

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Assembly XI-T & XI-W (30-11-2023)

TOPIC – “UTTARAKHAND UNVEILED: THE JEWEL OF HIMALAYAS” “जो देवताओं का परम धाम है , जिस मिट्टी को करता हर जीव प्रणाम है, जहां गंगा आरती से सँवरती हरिद्वार की शाम है, उस साक्षात स्वर्ग का उत्तराखण्ड नाम है।” –

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Assembly IX-K & IX-N (07-12-2023)

TOPIC – “BONDS OF BLISS- FRIENDSHIP” The assembly by classes IX K and IX N was a celebration of the beautiful tapestry of friendship that exists between students. The theme, aimed to highlight the diverse friendships that have blossomed within

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Assembly VIII-J & VIII-K (06-12-2023)

TOPIC – “SEVA PARMO DHARMA- SERVICE TO HUMANITY IS THE HIGHEST RELIGION.” Seva parmo dharma implies “service to humanity is the highest religion”. In the words of Swami Vivekananda, “service to mankind is service to god”. To celebrate service as

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Assembly XI-U & XI-V (05-12-2023)

TOPIC – “SMILE THROUGH THE STORM” ‘Trust God in the storms of your life and have hope in the rainbow’ An invigorating and meaningful start to the day was presented by the students of Class XI U and XI V

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Assembly XI-M 29-11-2023

TOPIC – “VIRTUES ALWAYS WIN” The topic depicted the victory of  Good over Evil. An episode from Ramayan was showcased through a play in which lord Rama sends Lakshman to gain wisdom and knowledge from Ravana. Even after losing the

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Assembly VI-E (02-11-2023)

“The greatest magic you’ll ever witness is the one that unfolds when you start believing in the magic within yourself. Explore it, believe in it, and watch as it transforms your world.” Keeping this message in mind, the Class Assembly

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Assembly IX-J & IX-I (01-11-2023)

“Festivals are occasions to empower ourselves in the course of humanity – they are the occasions to rekindle the promise of humanity in our heart.” Festivals are a significant part of Indian culture, acting as a vehicle for the presentation

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Assembly VIII-E & VIII-F (31-10-2023)

TOPIC – “NATIONAL UNITY DAY” “Manpower without unity is not a strength unless it is harmonised and united properly, then it becomes a spiritual power.” – Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. With this theme in mind, the students of VIIIE and VIIIF

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Assembly VII-A & VII-B (19-10-2023)

TOPIC – “FRIENDSHIP – A SPECIAL BOND” “Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” With this

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