Assembly X-B, X-H 10-04-2019

DATE : 10.04.2019
Class Teacher : Ms.Sunita Johar and Ms Taruna Didi
Class Rep : Ms.Vinita Gupta and Ms Shalu Khanna
Vice Principal : Ms.Anita Singh
Cultural Incharge : Sudeepta
Cultural programme Incharges : Ms.Anju , Ms.Renu , Mr.Swatin , Mr.Hamid
Photography : Mr.Shankar Giri.

Topic : Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns grow..

History bears testament that great achievements  come from the most negligible or modest beginnings. Formidable scientific minds like Edison, Einstein and Oppenheimer began their journey as struggling students till they illuminated the road to excellence and remarkable discoveries and inventions through sheer perseverance and hard work.

A little step taken every day leads to great accomplishments.Success stories, have always been the journey of a thousand miles that began with a single, defining step -This is the essence of the assembly of classes X-B and X-H. They represented this philosophy of ambition, perseverance and hope, through music, poetry, speeches, drama, and dance composed by the students themselves, all interpreted from the simple yet unforgettable line – ‘Mighty oaks from little acorns grow’.