Jatin Jha of XI F participated in the Delhi Regionals of ‘Verba Maximus 2017’, the literary fest of BITS Pilani, Hyderabad , on the 5th of January 2017.
Scores of students from the top colleges and schools in and around Delhi competed for the top two places. The event consisted of two rounds of Impromptu Debating. The topics and the side to be supported were assigned by a draw of lots followed by ten minutes of preparation time.
After vanquishing even sophomores of colleges, Jatin Jha was declared the winner of both the rounds. He has won a full paid trip to Hyderabad in February to participate in the finals. The Top two winners from the different zones of India will compete on 5th February in the Hyderabad campus of BITS Pilani to ascertain the winner of the Debate of Verba Maximus 2017.