हिंदी गेस्ट स्पीकर कार्यक्रम

दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल, रामकृष्ण पुरम के तत्वावधान में हिंदी विभाग द्वारा *हिंदी लेखन कौशल/सृजनात्मकता का विकास* विषय पर एक गेस्ट स्पीकर कार्यक्रम का आयोजन शनिवार, 15 मई 2021 को दोपहर  2:00 बजे किया गया।

इस अवसर पर प्रो. हरीश अरोड़ा तथा डॉ. विनोद प्रसून मुख्य वक्ता के रूप में आमंत्रित थे।

दोनों वक्ताओं का स्वागत करते हुए विद्यालय की प्रधानाचार्या सुश्री पद्मा श्रीनिवासन जी ने इस अवसर पर कहा कि विद्यार्थियों की रचनाधर्मिता को बढ़ावा देने हेतु इस प्रकार के कार्यक्रम आयोजित किए जाते रहने चाहिए।महात्मा गांधी अंतरराष्ट्रीय हिंदी विश्वविद्यालय के दूरशिक्षा निदेशालय में प्रोफेसर और निदेशालय के निदेशक प्रो. हरीश अरोड़ा विगत 20 वर्षों से हिंदी साहित्य और पत्रकारिता में अध्यापन कर रहे हैं। इस अवसर पर बोलते हुए उन्होंने विद्यार्थियों की रचनाधर्मिता को बढ़ाने हेतु हिंदी साहित्य की प्रमुख विधाओं यथाकविता, कहानी, नाटक, तथा एकांकी इत्यादि के तत्वों पर प्रकाश डालते हुए विद्यार्थियों में इन विधाओं की  सृजनात्मकता को कैसे बढ़ाया जा सकता है पर अपने विचार प्रस्तुत किए।

व्याख्यान के अगले वक्ता डॉ. विनोद प्रसून थे जो  पिछले 28 वर्षों से अध्यापन व लेखन से जुड़े हैं और वर्तमान में दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल, ग्रेटर नोएडा में, हिंदी विभागाध्यक्ष के पद पर कार्यरत हैं तथा हिंदी संसाधक/विषय विशेषज्ञ के रूप में सीबीएसई एवं एनसीईआरटी से भी संबद्ध हैं। विद्यार्थियों में लेखन कौशल तथा सृजनात्मकता के विकास हेतु उन्होंने अध्यापकों की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका पर प्रकाश डाला और कहा कि इस आपतकाल में अध्यापक विद्यार्थियों की रचनाधर्मिता को बढ़ावा देने हेतु यथोचित योगदान कर सकते हैं। 

कार्यक्रम के अगले चरण में दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल, राम कृष्ण पुरम के ‘संवाद क्लब’ के कुछ होनहार विद्यार्थियों की रचनाओं को सभी के सम्मुख प्रस्तुत करने हेतु उन्हें आमंत्रित किया गया।  इस अवसर पर कक्षा 12वीं की तीन छात्राओं  राधिका गोयल, रूहीन कोहली तथा अशिम  श्रिया ने काव्य पाठ किया।

हिंदी विभागाध्यक्षा श्रीमती फातमा किरमानी जी ने सभी का धन्यवाद ज्ञापन देते हुए अपने विचार प्रकट किए,  साथ ही उन्होंने कहा कि यह अभी तक कि आयोजित व्याख्यानमालाओं में सबसे अनूठी तथा अनोखी व्याख्यानमाला थी जिससे सभी लाभान्वित हुए। 

कार्यक्रम का संयोजन श्रीमती सीमा मेहता तथा डॉ. अनंग सक्सेना ने किया।


    “It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing  ideals.” 

                                                          Emma Watson.

The English Department of Delhi Public School, R.K.Puram organised a Guest Speaker Programme on Gender Sensitization for the students of classes X and XII on  22 May 2021. The Guest speaker was Dr. Amrita Shastry.

Dr.Amrita Sastry is a Professor of Sociology from Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University.She has completed her Masters,M.Phil and PHD from Jawaharlal Nehru University. Her interest areas include Sociology of Education, Methodology of Social Sciences, Techniques of Social Research and Sociology of Environment.

Her inclusive approach during the session made the attendees question the concept of gender in their day- to- day life experiences.Her session covered the governing stereotypes prevalent in our progressive society that tend to make it regressive. She spoke about the role of family, peer groups, educational institutions and mass media in framing the ideology associated with various genders. She suggested that people should not be  passive recipients rather be inquisitive members who are rational in approach. 

She elucidated some of the traditionally expected roles and behavioural patterns based on socially identified norms.The videos and visuals presented during the session stirred thoughts that made the attendees think and reflect. As it stands today, gender roles at various places tend to bring forth the difference in approach. However it was heartening to learn that gender based differences are likely to diminish with time and advancement. 

The talk ended with a discussion on how  to bridge the gender gap and view things from a humanitarian perspective.

The head of the institution, Mrs Padma Srinivasan shared her thoughts and spoke about the importance of fostering gender sensitization at school level as it gives way to introspection and nurtures critical thinking. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Atika Dayal, who thanked Dr. Amrita Sastry for her valuable time and efforts.The staff members and students expressed their gratitude towards the speaker for an informative and fruitful session.


History department organised an online storytelling session for students of classes VI – VIII on 19th May 2021. Teachers from the Social Science and Hindi department, and theatre  enthusiasts attended the session. 

The session was compered by Ms Sapna Sharma. She warmly welcomed the distinguished guest speaker, Prof. Danish Iqbal, who combines in himself various roles of a performer, teacher, writer and media person. He is an exponent of Dastangoi, an Urdu story telling art form. His robust dramatic works have been emulated by many of his peers in the field. He has also been associated with the training and nurturing of actors and has been visiting faculty at Indian Institute of Mass Communication, National School of Drama and many other such institutions.He has also received many National Awards, including the prestigious ‘Ghalib Award (for Theatre)’, ‘Mohan Rakesh Samman’ and Lassa Kaul Award for Best Documentary on National Integration. 

Prof. Iqbal narrated stories from Jataka tales and Singhasan Battisi.This was followed by an interactive session with students and teachers which  was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present. 

Our esteemed Principal, Padma ma’am, thanked Prof. Iqbal for a light hearted session. The session concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Shruti Talwar.


Digital Presentation on ‘Labour Day’ 

“Genius begins great works; labour alone finishes them”

  • Joseph Joubert 

The study of labor and the workforce; has always been an essential branch and component of sociology. Keeping in mind the significance and importance of labour , a digital presentation activity was organized for the Sociology students of Grade XII on 29th April, 2021. The students were asked to create a digital presentation using Google Slides. They were asked to research, weave in sociological concepts such as ‘Marxism’ and add a touch of individual subjectivity to their presentations, by displaying their thoughts on the same. The students created beautiful, vibrant and extremely dynamic presentations on the theme, displaying sociological sensitivity and commendable knowledge about the subject.

Psychology Club Summer Activity

“Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.” 

The Psychology Club organised a virtual workshop on “Music Therapy” for the students of the club of class 12th (2021-2022) on 21 May 2021. 
 Ridhi Lohani (12U), Saachi Yaadav (12U), Elina Sadh (12T) and Devishi Mehra (12T) the Club appointees of the year 2020-2021 conducted the workshop. The session began with a small activity which helped the students realise how different kinds of music affected their mood and made them feel. A brief explanation of music therapy was given. It is the use of music to address the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of a group or individual. The beneficial uses of listening to classical music was presented. The biological and psychological effects of music were also discussed. The workshop was brought to a close with a body movement exercise that included reaching out to the sky and bringing in positive energy towards ourselves. As the workshop ended, the students felt light hearted and less stressed than before. The session was very relaxing and knowledgeable for the students present.


“School’s out, summers in, let the drama stop and the fun begin.”

Delhi Public School R.K.Puram organised a plethora of summer activities for Grades VI- VIII in the month of April and May ‘21 which provided the students with an opportunity to engage well with the subjects of their choice.  These activities carried an element of fun and aided a platform for experimentation and creative expression. The aim was to develop creativity, enhance knowledge, facilitate language learning and improve expression besides boosting confidence.

English A variety of activities based on creative writing such as picture poetry and story writing, fun vocabulary/grammar based quizzes and movie viewing were organised. Grade 6 organised ‘Acrostic poetry -Poetry Writing’, ‘The One-Man Show -Theatre and Speaking Skills’ and ‘End it your way – Creative writing Activity’. Grade 7 conducted ‘Caption-Gram– Creative Caption Writing’, ‘Wizards of Words– Language and Grammar Quiz’ and ‘Listen-O-Hara– Listening Skills Activity’ while Grade 8 came up with ‘Point of View– Visual Cue and Discussion’, ‘The Writer’s Quill– Story Writing’ and ‘Snap Poetry– Picture Based Poetry Writing’. 

Math– The activities were designed to encourage students to apply their problem solving techniques to solve real world problems. Some were hands-on activities to enable them to apply their critical thinking skills to generalise mathematical rules and also introduced them to new mathematical concepts. Grade 6 organised ‘TravelSmart’, ‘Finding the rule’ and ‘Knowing Tessellations’. Grade 7 conducted ‘Decimal Mathemagic’ and ‘Fun with Distances’. Grade 8 performed ‘Competency Based Learning’ and ‘Mind Maps’.

Hindi– The activities were created to instill values, promote creativity and language skills.  These involved creating out of waste, virtual tour of Sabarmati Ashram, world wide news and discussion on advertisements, dialogue writing, role play and picture story presentation. Grade 6 organised ‘Aon Chalein’, ‘Chhote Parivartan Bada Prabhav’and ‘West Se Best’. Grade 7 conducted ‘Desh Duniya- Samachar Vachan’, ‘Baatcheet’ and ‘Tatkalik Bhashan’.  Grade 8 coordinated ‘Sujh Bujh’, ‘Suno Aur Batao’ and ‘Vigyapan Charcha’.

Science– The activities aimed at experiential learning so that students reflect upon  various exhibits and scientific concepts and their application in daily life.  These activities gave them a platform: to inculcate scientific attitude and values, for instance calculating the temperature of the given quantity of water; to become environment conscious and develop sensitivity towards plants; to encourage ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’ of kitchen wastes and do organic farming; to sensitise them towards their health and the need to protect themselves by preparing and eating immunity boosting foods especially during Covid times; to make them understand how building immunity saves us from life threatening diseases. They prepared infographics, posters and mind maps on the impact of climate change on biodiversity. They created slides to show the importance of vaccines.  The activities increased climate literacy among young learners and encouraged changes in their attitude and behaviours. Virtual tour of the Nehru Science Centre was an innovative way of showing exhibits to the students. Role play enabled them to identify and take up the role of the chemical substances present in disinfectants used at their homes. Grade 6 organised ‘Role Play- Lockdown your boredom with Science’, ‘Virtual Tour- The Nehru Science Centre’ and ‘3R’s Towards Organic Farming’.  Grade 7 conducted ‘Racing The Heat’, ‘Transferring Heat (1)’, ‘Transferring Heat (2)’, Let’s Experiment: Chemical Reactions, Immunity Boosters and ‘Immunity Boosters 2: Master Chef’. Grade 8 coordinated ‘ Chemistry Is Fun’, ‘Chemical Changes’, ‘Colour Changing Chemical Magic’, ‘Impact Of Climate Change On Biodiversity’, ‘The Art Of Fermentation’,  ‘Vaccine- The Saviour Of Life’, ‘The Magic Of Liquid Pressure’ and ‘Edging Closer To Pressure And Area’.

Social Science– The activities enabled the students to understand the impact of their actions on the environment. They were familiarized with new words and engaged in experiential learning. They understood the importance of coins, the work of archaeologists, certain historical events such as the Battle of Plassey, the need to provide equal opportunities to women, the framework of the Constitution, the evolution of the Solar System, the issue of ‘Climate Change’, scarcity of water resource and using drip irrigation system for growing herbs and  managing waste and recycle plastic bottles to grow herbs.  The activities involved JAM sessions, drafting a Preamble, interactions, discussions, videos, virtual tours, presentations, story telling, listening skill and quizzes. Grade 6 conducted ‘Coins Speak’ and ‘Our Unique Earth: Through My Lens’Grade 7 organised ‘Women Changing the World ( Audio/ Visual and JAM session)’ and ‘Climate Change Is Real!’. Grade 8 coordinated ‘Battle of Plassey- Landmark in Indian History’,  ‘Mera Savidhan, Mera Maan (Draft your own Preamble)’ and Green Thumb’. A story telling session was conducted by the distinguished guest Prof. Danish Iqbal, an exponent of Dastangoi, an Urdu story telling art form for Grades 6-8.

French-  The objective of the activities was to orient the students towards French language and culture.  The activities involved dialogue and descriptive paragraph writing, virtual tour of Paris and writing greetings based on pictures, dictionary words and a few hints. Grade 6 conducted ‘Complete the Dialogue and Greetings’.  Grade 7 organised ‘Describe Your Family, Describe Your Living Room’. Grade 8 coordinated ‘Virtual Tour of Paris’.

German– The reading, writing, speaking and listening activities were designed to enhance their understanding of the language.  The activities required the students to read a German text, speak about their family members in the language, make hand puppets, listen to a song on the ‘Finger Family’, paragraph writing on how to stay healthy and discussion on a text.  Grade 6 conducted ‘Reading Skills’ and ‘Meine Finger Familie’. Grade 7 organised ‘Paragraph Writing’. Grade 8 coordinated ‘Reading Skills’.

Spanish– The activities laid emphasis on orienting them to Spanish language, art and culture.  These acquainted the students with life in Madrid, the capital of Spain through a web series. They were introduced to vocabulary and phrases related to ordering food in a restaurant, to taking a taxi, to ask for directions etc. They were made to practise correct pronunciation and vocabulary through tongue twisters. They were encouraged to read story books in Spanish.  They were familiarized with Miguel de Cervantes, one of the most famous writers of Spain and his best known novel, Don Quixote de la Mancha.  This was done through the medium of a short biographical video, an animated short movie of his novel, followed by a virtual tour of Alcala de Henares, the birthplace of Cervantes.  The students also listened to an audio of a story followed by a discussion on new words and phrases, characters, messages that it conveyed etc. Quizzes were also conducted to check their understanding of the language. Grade 6 conducted ‘Mi Vida Loca’, ‘Trabalenguasand ‘La Hora del Cuento: La Señora y El Águila’. Grade 7 conducted ‘Historia: El Niño Sin Nombre’ and ‘Miguel de Cervantes y Don Quixote’. Grade 8 coordinated ‘Historia: Los Zombies No Comen Verduras’.

Sanskrit– The reading, writing, speaking and listening activities were designed to enhance their understanding of the language. They were made to listen to short stories and watched movies in Sanskrit followed by a discussion and a Google quiz.  The students were asked to make sentences from counting 1 to 4 in all the Lings (लिङ्ग) with a pictorial presentation. Grade 6 conducted अवधानेन शृणुत, पठत संस्कृतम् and  लिखत संस्कृतम्. Grade 7 organised अवधानेन शृणुत. Grade 8 coordinated अवधानेन शृणुत.


Delhi Public School R.K. Puram organised a Guest Speaker Programme on the topic “How To Find Peace and Happiness in tough times”.The guest speaker was Mr. Aman Chandra. The programme was organised on 19 May 2021 for students of classes IX-XII.

Mr. Chandra is a Bulletproof Happiness Coach, and a motivational speaker offering group programmes and 1-1 coaching to help people overcome challenging life situations and 2X their happiness. He is also the founder and former CEO of LifePositive.com (a global platform for personal and spiritual growth). As a soon to be an author in the self-help and personal growth space, Mr. Chandra is passionate about making happiness and personal growth wisdom

reach as many people as possible.

The Principal, Ms. Padma Srinivasan, Headmistress, Ms. Rashmi Malhotra, and the Class Representatives , Class Teachers, and students of classes IX-XII attended the session.

The session began with an address by the Principal where she spoke about the importance of finding happiness in these trying times. During the session, Mr. Chandra spoke to the audience about various ways to combat stress and negativity. He guided the audience through an exercise that helped them attain peace of mind almost instantly,thus showing that the power to be happy already exists within us.

This was followed by a Question and Answer session where Mr. Chandra provided insightful answers to the wide-ranging questions from the audience. The programme concluded with a Vote of Thanks proposed  by the Headmistress, Ms. Rashmi Malhotra.

The event was organised by Ms. Shelly Malhotra and Ms. Archana Deepak with technical support from Mr. Mukesh Kumar and his team

Guest Speaker Programme Classes IX-XII

Delhi Public School, RK Puram organised a Virtual Guest Speaker Programme on the topic “Role of a Vigilant Student in Present Scenario” on May 18, 2021 for the students of class IX-XII.

The Guest speaker Dr. Vinay Bhatnagar has done his Masters in Political Science from Delhi University and his  Phd In DLit. He is a retired Director Lok Sabha Secretariat with an experience of 44 years of Research, Training and Public Relations in Parliament Secretariat and teaching at college level. He is presently an associate professor in the Department of Law in Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Sciences IP University. He is also an UNDP Certified International Consultant. 

The Principal, Ms Padma Srinivasan and the Headmistress Ms. Rashmi Malhotra also graced the occasion with their presence.The Guest Speaker Programme was conducted as an interactive session by Alma Ali of XII-U. During the session the speaker spoke a great deal about how we are in a state of anxiety because of covid. He emphasised on qualities such as confidence, competence and faith in oneself. He said in order to be a vigilant student one must believe, have faith and encourage others to do the same. He also pointed out that the seniors(the ones in class XII ) can mentor the juniors(the ones in Classes IX to X) to be vigilant and become action takers. In the end Dr. Vinay quoted Steve Jobs by speaking about 6 healers of life- sunlight,rest, physical exercise, diet, self confidence and friends. He spoke about the importance of these healers.

This was followed by a Question and Answer session conducted by Alma Ali(XII-U) where the speaker patiently explained his answers by using anecdotes from his real life experiences.

His answers provided a sense of clarity to all the students who attended the Guest Speaker Programme.

The Programme was concluded by a Vote of Thanks by Ms. Rashmi Malhotra and an Address by Ms. Padma Srinivasan.The event was organised by Ms. Preeti Pratihari and Ms. Kaveri Dhar along with the technical support from Mr. Mukesh Kumar and his Support Team.

Guest Speaker Programme -Classes VI-VIII

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.”

 Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram organised a virtual Guest Speaker Programme on the topic “Music Therapy” on  May 17, 2021 for the students of class VI- VIII.

The guest speaker, Ms. Sahiba Jain, is  an expressive arts therapist and counselling psychologist. She is the founder of and a therapist at Flying feathers(Healing and expressive art therapy). She is skilled in mindfulness meditation, expressive art therapy ( including music therapy, dance therapy, psychodrama etc), counselling and sound healing, gratitude therapy and chakra dance movements.

The Principal, Ms. Padma Srinivasan and Ms. Vinita Gupta also graced the occasion. The  Guest Speaker Programme was conducted as an interactive session by Sreyansh Jha (XII A) . The session began with Ms.Jain introducing the topic” music therapy”, which is the use of music to address the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of a group or individual. She then proceeded to involve the students in interactive activities such as listening to music of different genres and noticing how it would impact the state of mind of the students and using expressive body movements as a way of expression. The students actively participated and enjoyed the session thoroughly. They learnt valuable skills such as using music to focus and feel better. 

This was followed by a question and answer session where the speaker successfully answered a wide range of questions posed by the students. The session was brought to a close with vote of thanks by Shreyansh Jha (XII A).The event was organized by Ms. Kaveri Dhar and Ms. Preeti Pratihari with technical support from Mr. Mukesh Kumar and his support team.

Virtual Orientation Programme for the Parents of Classes VI – VIII

A Virtual Orientation Programme was organized for the parents of the students of classes VI, VII and VIII on 15, 16 and 17 April 2021 respectively. The purpose of the Orientation Programme was to introduce the parents to the respective class teachers and subject teachers. The session began with a short welcome video showcasing the artistic talent of our students. 

Thereafter, the class teachers welcomed the parents. They briefed the parents about the code of conduct to be followed by students while attending virtual classes and the general pattern of assessment which will be followed. Thereafter,the Class teachers called upon the subject teachers to address the parents. The Subject teachers spoke about their respective subjects and their expectations from the students. All teachers assured the parents of providing all possible support to the students during these difficult times. 

The Principal, Ms Padma Srinivasan addressed the parents and emphasized on the need of holding each other’s hands in these unprecedented times to help the students benefit from these virtual classes. The Vice Principal , Ms Renu Nayar reiterated the importance of following the rules and maintaining the students’ attendance for virtual classes.