Lavanya Gupta of class VII C, recently participated in a very renowned and prestigious International Junior Golf tournament held at Edinburgh, United Kingdom in Month of May 2019. She stood 2nd in individual category in the World Junior Golf Championship, in Dec 2018. US Kids European Golf Championship, 2019 has been rated as one of the prestigious tournament internationally in which more than 630 junior golfers participated in their respective categories, from 50 different countries across the globe. Lavanya Gupta secured 3rd position in US Kids European Golf Championship, 2019.
Lavanya, subsequently qualified for another prestigious European Van Horn Cup, 2019. Lavanya represented India in the International team and made her country proud by winning this prestigious cup. Lavanya also won the Morrison Medal, 2019 (most valuable player medal). This medal symbol of best score which was awarded to her based on her lowest score in European Van Horn Cup, 2019.