“My life is my message” – M.K. Gandhi                                                                                                   
Under the able guidance of the Principal, Ms Padma Srinivasan, and facilitated by the Headmistress  of Classes VI-VIII, Ms Vinita Gupta, an excursion to the Gandhi Smriti for the students of Class VII was organised from 18 to 21 October 2022 by the History Department. The excursion to the museum was quite an enriching experience for the students as they visited the room where Gandhiji lived, the prayer ground where mass congregations were held and the place where Gandhiji was assasinated by the assassin’s bullets. The students also revisited Gandhiji’s life through the display of photographs, sculptures, paintings, frescos and the inscriptions on rocks and relics pertaining to the years that Gandhiji spent there. The evolution of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi to Mahatma Gandhi depicted through the panels of black and white photographs accompanied by a simple narrative helped students learn about Gandhiji through an enlightening visual experience. The visit was a great learning experience for the students.