Month: May
Class VI
The value of the month for May was Belief in others. The students were introduced to stories and anecdotes about the importance of placing their belief in their fellow human beings. The class teachers and subject teachers spoke about the importance of belief and trust in others. The students quoted incidents where their belief showed them the right way. Quotations were put up in the class towards the same.
Class VII
The value of the month was discussed in the class. The importance of having belief in others and trusting them was talked about. Students gave various examples and understood the significance of the value. Group discussions were undertaken in classes. Students were told that for effective team work it is essential that we trust the efforts and hard work of all the members involved to achieve success. The importance of the value for co-existence was emphasized upon followed by board decoration on the same. Students decorated the class with various quotations and sketches.
Class VIII
The value of the month for May was Belief in others. The class teachers and subject teachers spoke about the importance of belief and trust in others. The students quoted incidents where their belief showed them the right way.Quotes were put up in the class towards the same.