“A woman is truly free, when she has the confidence of choice.”

Under the aegis of Delhi Public School, R.K.Puram, members of DebSoc, the Debating Society, participated in the prestigious SheLeads Conventional Debate Competition, held by Education New Zealand Manapou Ki Te Ao. The event, imbued with a spirit of justice and female empowerment, took place at the New Zealand High Commision, on 18th May 2024. 

Part of a larger initiative started by Education New Zealand Manapou Ki Te Ao, the debate competition was held over two separate rounds, with an intra-school selection round taking place first, followed by the finals- where two students from the club represented the school at the embassy and spoke on the topic “The Impact of Flexible Work Policies on Gender Diversity in Leadership”.

With the expert mentorship and support of the club in-charges, Ms. Kakoli Sengupta and Ms. Livano Banerjee, Shaurya Datta of XII -P and Pranshu Gupta of XII -Q were able to secure the 1st Position (for the motion) and the 2nd Position (Against the Motion) respectively.