The Biology Department of the school officially released its Annual Magazine, “Biology Matters”on 1 June 2020 in the presence of the Principal Ms. Padma Srinivasan, the Vice-Principal Dr. Renu Nayar, the Head of the Biology Department Ms. Niva Chhonkar, the teachers of the biology department, and the Student Editorial board.
The editors commenced by giving a short introduction regarding the magazine and expressing their gratitude towards the principal and teachers for their constant support and encouragement . The magazine was then presented digitally on the screen through Google Meet ,supplemented with short descriptions of each section and corresponding topic.
“Biology Matters” strives to broaden the horizons of the students beyond the classroom and inculcates a passion towards Biology as a subject. The editors collected various articles pertaining to innovative discoveries and concepts in the field of biology from classes VI to XII. This magazine is a compilation of articles from the Biology club ’Inquisitio’,the Environment Club ‘Panchtatva’,Health & I Club and the Biotechnology Club ‘Plasmid’.
The Principal congratulated the Biology Department and Magazine Editors for their success and appreciated their creative effort towards compiling the magazine. The Vice-Principal addressed the gathering and encouraged the students to keep pushing themselves to do their best.The HOD commended the efficiency, dedication, and sincerity shown by the students. The vote of thanks was proposed by Ms Kusum Yadav. The Student Editorial Board includes Deepita Singh XII-A, Sambhav Mishra XII- B, Deepanshi XII-D, Aanya Aggrawal XII-A, and Abhishek Agrawal XII-D.