An awareness campaign on the importance of nutrition and health was conducted in the school as a part of  ‘POSHAN Abhiyan’ celebrated during the month of September 2022. It included the following theme-based activities planned and executed by Health & I Club, Biology Department.

1. Poshan Pledge: The Principal, Ms Padma Srinivasan read out the Poshan pledge on September 27th and all the students pledged to spread the message of healthy eating amongst their family and friends and committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, thus reflecting the spirit of Bacha and Shiksha.


2. Poster making activity on topics like the Importance of a Balanced diet, the Harmful effects of junk food, and the role of nutrients in the prevention of deficiency diseases was conducted on 27th September to sensitize the children on various aspects of nutrition and to motivate them to eat right and thus make informed choices regarding their health and diet.

Poster on Awareness about Junk Food Facts

Poster on Nutrition & Balanced Diet

3. Slogan writing, Poster and pamphlet-making activity on water conservation and management were conducted on September 26th.These activities helped to create awareness amongst students about the importance of conserving water and saving precious resources.



4. The teachers gave a handwashing demonstration in the classrooms on September 28th. A video on handwashing was shown to the students to reiterate the correct way of washing hands. A class discussion was also held emphasising the importance of maintaining hygiene in our day-to-day lives by adopting correct hygiene habits.