Interactive Session On Cyber Security

Delhi Public School R. K. Puram, conducted an interactive session  on CYBER CRIME  on February 20, 2020 at the AVH. The students of Classes VI- VIII were the audience for this enlightening session which was presided over by Mr. Anuj Agarwal, Cyberexpert, the Trainer for the Police Force under the Cyber Cell. This session was  a part of DELHI POLICE WEEK (16.02.20-22.02.20). As the crime related to the internet is growing day by day, the Delhi Police took the initiative to make the youngsters aware of the cyber security system. Mr. Agarwal spoke about maintaining certain rules and regulations while using social media, like not disclosing financial and social status while making friends with anyone on social media. He also specified that morphing others photographs, sending malicious emails or mocking someone on social media are punishable crimes and the Police can actually trace the people who create fake ID’s and indulge in such crimes.  The workshop proceeded further by telling the students that if anyone finds one in trouble they should never keep quiet, rather should reach the Police and speak to the elders about it. Mr. Agarwal warned the students to be extra vigilant while making friends on social media.  The workshop ended with a question answer session where the children cleared their doubts and Mr.Agarwal cheerful answered their questions. Ms Niva Chhonkar , Headmistress, proposed the vote of thanks.