A Guest speaker programme was organized for the students of Class VIII, Sections A-F during their Work Experience periods, on 12 October 2017.
Mr. Rajeeva Shukla, Additional Secretary, Land and Building Department, Vikas Bhavan , was the Guest of Honour. He and his accompanying team members were extended a warm welcome by the Headmistress, Ms. Rashmi Malhotra.
Mr. Shukla addressed the students on various aspects of natural disasters. He gave the students a brief idea of the types of natural disasters e.g. tsunamis, fires, earthquakes etc. He also threw light on the precautionary measures that one could take if such a calamity arises. A slide show made the talk interesting and easy to comprehend. His presentation was followed by an interactive session on the safety measures to be taken and the ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ to be followed in case of a fire at home / school. The session was interesting and provided an insight to the students.
A similar session would be organised for the students of Sections G-K, in the month of December.