Farewell Ceremony: Mr. R S Panwar, Mr. Mahesh Nepali And Mr. Jasbir Singh The administrative section of the school bid farewell to three non teaching staff members on their superannuation after many decades of distinguished service to this institution on 31st July 2019 in the AVH during the break. The ceremony began by a song by the music department followed by the welcome address. The Principal addressed the gathering and presented the Plaque to the three non-teaching staff members. She also wished them a happy and healthy retired life. This was followed by the Vice Principals Dr Renu Nayyar and Ms Padma Srinivasan addressing the gathering and wishing them the best for all future endeavours. The Head Mistresses Ms. Rashmi Malhotra and Ms. Niva Chhonkar also wished the three a great life ahead. Mrs Parul Gupta and Mr. Rajeev Garg addressed the audience by sharing their interaction with the three members. Mr RS Panwar and Mr. Mahesh Nepali shared their journey with DPS RK Puram. The ceremony concluded by the vote of thanks delivered by Mr. KJ Sharma.