“It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals.”
Emma Watson.
The English Department of Delhi Public School, R.K.Puram organised a Guest Speaker Programme on Gender Sensitization for the students of classes X and XII on 22 May 2021. The Guest speaker was Dr. Amrita Shastry.
Dr.Amrita Sastry is a Professor of Sociology from Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University.She has completed her Masters,M.Phil and PHD from Jawaharlal Nehru University. Her interest areas include Sociology of Education, Methodology of Social Sciences, Techniques of Social Research and Sociology of Environment.
Her inclusive approach during the session made the attendees question the concept of gender in their day- to- day life experiences.Her session covered the governing stereotypes prevalent in our progressive society that tend to make it regressive. She spoke about the role of family, peer groups, educational institutions and mass media in framing the ideology associated with various genders. She suggested that people should not be passive recipients rather be inquisitive members who are rational in approach.
She elucidated some of the traditionally expected roles and behavioural patterns based on socially identified norms.The videos and visuals presented during the session stirred thoughts that made the attendees think and reflect. As it stands today, gender roles at various places tend to bring forth the difference in approach. However it was heartening to learn that gender based differences are likely to diminish with time and advancement.
The talk ended with a discussion on how to bridge the gender gap and view things from a humanitarian perspective.
The head of the institution, Mrs Padma Srinivasan shared her thoughts and spoke about the importance of fostering gender sensitization at school level as it gives way to introspection and nurtures critical thinking. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Atika Dayal, who thanked Dr. Amrita Sastry for her valuable time and efforts.The staff members and students expressed their gratitude towards the speaker for an informative and fruitful session.