DPS Dwarka organized Spectrum-Mélange on 17 August 2024, featuring the event ARTHRAJ for classes XI and XII. Each school could send a team of three students, with the event scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. ARTHRAJ was a case study analysis competition that tested participants’ economic acumen and critical thinking. Registered participants received a case study with problem statements on the spot, and further guidelines were provided along with the case study. Judging was based on the relevance of solutions, logical reasoning, application of economic knowledge, and general aptitude.
In the SURPRISE EVENT , participants were tested on basic knowledge of business related topics.
In VENTURE REBIRTH , Participants analyzed a failed startup, identified the reasons for its failure, and proposed strategies to revive it.
Surprise Event :
First Position
Arnav Gupta XII R
Abhimanyu Shetty XII R
Venture Rebirth
First Position
Nandini Vaish XII Q
Chirag Malhotra XII Q
2nd Position
Ojas Singal (XII-O)
Ekam Singh (XII-P)
Anoushka Prasad (XII-R)