Competency Based Teaching- English By- Ms. Gayatri Khanna

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember.I do and I understand.” – Confucius

A workshop on Competency-Based Teaching (CBT) in English was organised for all the English teachers on 5th March, 2024 in the Audio Visual Hall. Ms. Gayatri Khanna illustrated the use of various aspects of Competency Based Teaching  Methods like Art Integrated Activities, connecting the stories with life skills manuals, competency based assessment, use of graphic organisers, use of games and activities in discussing chapters and relevance of forming a real life connect. She herself demonstrated a fun and engaging way in which most of the aspects of competency based teaching can be incorporated. The insights gained from this workshop motivated the teachers to further promote student-centred teaching – learning and assessment practices in order to foster holistic student development.