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International Events

Model United Nations Conference

Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service in Qatar conducted the second edition of its annual Model United Nations Conference in New Delhi from 14th to 16th July, 2014 at Radisson Blu Plaza. Anvay Tewari, a student of Class 12 O

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International French Language Olympiad 2014

Ms. Meeha Tewari of Class 10 H has secured the First Position (International Rank 1) in the International French Language Olympiad 2014 organised by Silverzone in association with the Indian Association of French Teachers. Meeha has been awarded a gold

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Visit of the Claremont Consortium

Representatives of 5 colleges of the Claremont Consortium, namely Pitzer College, Claremont Mckenna College, Harvey Mudd College, Scripps College and Pamona College visited DPS R. K. Puram on Wednesday, 11th September, 2013 at 10:30 am for a presentation and interactive

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Laurels for the English Department

Ishita Batra, a student of class XII D of DPS R.K.Puram, New Delhi brings laurels to the school by securing International rank-1 in iOEL (International Olympiad of English Language) 2013 organized by Silver Zone. She is honored with a Gold

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International rank 1 in IOEL

Ishita Batra, a student of class XII D, DPS R. K. Puram has brought laurels to the school by securing International rank 1 in iOEL ( International Olympiad of English Language ) 2013 organized by Silver zone. She has been

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International French Language Olympiad 2013

Ms Vaishali Kumar of Class 10 J has secured the First Position (State Rank: 1 and International Rank: 1) in the International French  Language Olympiad 2013 organised by Silverzone in association with the French Language Teachers ‘ Association. The Olympiad

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Full Scores in International Examinations

Shreya Vardhan has secured full scores in all the exams for international admission she has appeared in. These include SAT Reasoning test (2400/2400) held on 28th January 2012, Subject SATs – Chemistry (800/800), Physics (800/800), Mathematics level -2 (800/800) held

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