DPS R.K. Puram organized a career counseling session for the parents of class X in two groups. Parents of sections A- G attended the session on 21st and parents of sections H-O on 22nd August from 2.30 to 4.30pm. in the Audio Visual Hall. With a plethora of career options available in the contemporary times, the role of a career counseling session becomes indispensable. The session was conducted by a team of Career Launcher, a recognized brand in the education sector.
Ms.Vanita Sehgal, the principal, addressed the parents. She highlighted the various subject options offered in class XI. She encouraged the parents to guide their wards to pursue their interests and also to work sincerely to achieve their goals. She also clarified the doubts raised by the parents concerning subject options for Class XI. Ms. Rashmi Malhotra, the headmistress, addressed the parents and encouraged them to clarify the doubts regarding the career options and courses regarding the same through the sessions organized. A power point presentation regarding the subject streams offered by the school was also shown by the reps of class X.
The resource person Mr. Anubhav Rakheja conducted the sessions. He emphasized that one must have in-depth knowledge of the choices lest one might end-up in a career that is not made for one. It is common among students going through this transition phase to get influenced by misinformation and end up making the wrong decision. He advised the parents not to base their decisions based on their own perceptions. Parents were made aware of the different options in profession and courses their wards could pursue based on the subject choices they would make. Queries raised by the parents were addressed by the career launcher team. Both the sessions were immensely enriching and interesting.