Series of sessions were organised for students and parents of class IX and X as per the following schedule:
Session I
An online session on career and aptitude testing was held for students of grade X on 5th August 2022. An aptitude is an inborn potential to do a certain kind of work, acquire certain kinds of skills or subjects of study. Aptitude Tests are used to assess whether an individual has the level of competency necessary for success in a particular field. A standardized test objectively measures what a person is able to do at the time he is being assessed and under the conditions of assessment. These tests typically measure abilities like Numerical Ability, Clerical Ability, Mechanical Reasoning, Closure Ability, Verbal Ability, Reasoning Ability, Spatial Ability and Psycho-motor Ability. The session aimed at equipping the students to make an informed choice of subjects and in providing career guidance regarding their future.
Session II
A session on stress management was conducted by Ms. Akanksha Khanna on 8th December 2022 with students of grade IX. The session commenced with what students understood about the word stress and how it impacts our lives on a daily basis. Students were made aware of the various changes an adolescent goes through during this stage and how pandemic had made a significant impact in all areas of their lives. Students were further taught techniques on how to cope with stress effectively.

Session III
Session with parents of grades IX and X was conducted on Living With Teenagers by Dr Tina Gupta on 8 December 2022. As parenting has become a challenging task during and post pandemic,the session was organized aiming to teach how parents can deal with such changes during their teenage years. The session highlighted various social-emotional, cognitive and behavioral changes a teen goes through and how the situation has worsened during the pandemic.They were made to identify which parenting style they had adopted among the various parenting styles mentioned such as authoritative, authoritarian, neglectful and permissive style along with its merits and demerits.With the help of various case studies, parents were made aware of the current challenges faced by their teen and how parents can make a significant difference in their lives by having an open mind, being optimistic and being available for them. It was an engaging session where parents learned how to improve their parenting with respect to the current situation.

Session IV
An online session on career awareness and profile building was conducted by Mr Rahul Subramanium on 21 December 2022 with parents of Class 9 and 10. The session made parents aware of how to choose a career for their ward keeping in mind their interest, personality and aptitude. The Speaker shared a framework to secure a place in the top colleges abroad and how they could work on building a good profile. An emphasis was placed on extra curricular activities along with their unique talents to showcase their unique abilities to the universities for their undergraduate program.

Session V
A session with students of grade IX was organized on career awareness and profile building. The session was conducted by Mr Rahul Subramanium on 21 December 2022 where sir emphasized upon the importance of choosing a right career for themselves keeping in mind their interest, aptitude, skills and personality. The Speaker shared a framework where students could ensure to work on their goal and achieve their dream career. An emphasis was laid on extra curricular activities along with their unique talents to showcase their unique abilities to the universities for their undergraduate program. The session was quite engaging and students learnt how to work on their profile in order to achieve their dream college.

Session VI
A session with class IX students was conducted on 22 December 2022 by Dr. Shilpa Gupta on the impact of social media on students’ lives. The session commenced with the understanding behind the anatomy, purpose of social media and its usage. Students were asked how their presence on such platforms makes a difference in their daily life activities and were further made aware of how technology is built in a way that the brain gets attracted to use it. Students were further made aware of how our emotional state gets easily influenced by our presence on social media. Students were taught how to correctly identify and name their emotional state with the help of emotion vocabulary learnt with the help of an activity. They were taught how to identify their emotions and track their mood in order to understand which emotions one experiences frequently in their lives. Further, students learnt techniques where they could regulate their negative emotions effectively and were able to understand the relationship between social media and their own emotions.

Session VII
An online Stream Orientation Session was organized for the students and parents of grade X on 20 January 2023, in order to orient them with various subject options available in the school across various streams. The session highlighted the benefits of choosing a specific subject along with its course structure, examination pattern and career aspect. The students and parents found the session beneficial as it addressed many queries which they had.