SESSION 2021-2022 SCHEDULE #21

Class 9th and 11th
Homeroom timing
Tues,Wed,Thurs-7:40-7:50 am
Monday -7:40-8:50 am
Class 6th to 8th
Homeroom timings
Tues, Wed, Thurs-7:45-7:55 am
Monday-7:50-8:45 am

SESSION 2021-2022 SCHEDULE #20

Class 9th and 11th
Homeroom timings
Tuesday -7:40-8:50
Class 6th to 8th
Homeroom timings
Monday, Wed, Thurs-7:45-7:55

Important Information – CBSE Term 1 Exam

Due to the onlgoing CBSE Term 1 Examinations of Classes X and XII being held in the school premises physically, there will be NO OFFLINE CLASSES on 30th November, 2nd, 6th, 10th and 14th December 2021.

On the above mentioned dates, classes for IX and XI will be held for the first two periods only and for Classes VI to VIII, normal full day classes will be held ONLINE.

No ONLINE/OFFLINE CLASSES will be held on 3rd December, 2021

Additional Schedule

Day & DateTime Table (to be followed)Mode of the Class
Monday, 29th November, 2021Tueday Time TableOffline (Hybrid Mode)
Tuesday, 30th November, 2021 Monday Time TableOnline
Monday, 13th December, 2021 Tueday Time Table Offline (Hybrid Mode)
Tuesday, 14th December, 2021 Monday Time Table Online

Constitution Day 26-11-2021

भारतीय संविधान की उद्देशिका

हम, भारत के लोग, भारत को एक संपूर्ण प्रभुत्वसंपन्न, समाजवादी ,पंथनिरपेक्ष लोकतंत्रात्मक गणराज्य बनाने के लिए, तथा उसके समस्त नागरिकों को:
सामाजिक, आर्थिक और राजनीतिक न्याय,
विचार, अभिव्यक्ति, विश्वास, धर्म और उपासना की स्वतंत्रता,
प्रतिष्ठा और अवसर की समता, प्राप्त कराने के लिए,
तथा उन सब में,
व्यक्ति की गरिमा और राष्ट्र की एकता और अखण्डता सुनिश्चित कराने वाली, बन्धुता बढ़ाने के लिए,
दृढ़ संकल्पित होकर अपनी संविधानसभा में आज तारीख 26 नवम्बर 1949 ईस्वी (मिति मार्गशीर्ष शुक्ल सप्तमी, संवत दो हजार छह विक्रमी) को एतद् द्वारा इस संविधान को अंगीकृत, अधिनियमित और आत्मार्पित करते हैं।

Preamble to the Constitution of India

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all FRATERNITY
assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;

No offline Test Series for Class XII

Kindly note that there will be No offline Test Series for Class XII as per the Department of Education, Government of NCT Delhi directive No. DE.23 ( 28 )/Sch.Br./2021/639  dated 21.11.2021.

However, it will be conducted Online with same Time Schedule.

SESSION 2021-2022 SCHEDULE #19

Homeroom/Test Time

Class 9th to 12th
Monday: 7:40 AM – 9:40 AM
Tuesday to Friday.. 7:40 AM – 7:50 AM

Class 6th to 8th
Monday: 7:45 AM – 8:45 AM
Tuesday to Friday: 7:45 AM – 7:55 AM

Important information – 2021-2022

Classes X and XII

  1. Regular Timetable of Online Classes/Tests will be followed for Class XII on Monday, 22nd November 2021
  2. Board Practical Exams (Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science) will be conducted on Monday, 22nd November 2021 as per schedule already shared
  3. Board Practical Exams of PE is rescheduled and it will be held w.e.f. Tuesday, 23rd November, 2021 and the new schedule will be shared by the PE Teacher.
  4. No Regular Classes for Class X w.e.f. Monday 22nd November 2021, instead Subject-wise Block Teaching (for DOUBT CLEARING) will be conducted – The schedule will be provided on website/respective subject teachers.
  5. No Regular Classes for Class XII w.e.f. Tuesday, 23rd November 2021 instead Subject-wise Block Teaching (for DOUBT CLEARING) will be conducted – The schedule will be provided on website
  6. Register for Subject Block Teaching – Click here for Class X | Class XII (Registrations can only be done from official email)

Classes VI to IX and XI

  • The online classes will continue. There will be no offline classes as per the Department of Education, Government of NCT Delhi directive No. DE.23 ( 28 )/Sch.Br./2021/639  dated 21.11.2021.

Term 1 Examinations – Instructions for the parents


  • They should ensure that their ward is carrying the following while going to the examination centre.
  1. pocket hand sanitizer in a transparent bottle, 
  2. pair of hand gloves
  3. transparent bottle with drinking water 
  4. permissible stationary items only 
  • They should ensure that their ward has covered their nose and mouth with a face mask
  • They should guide their ward to follow social distancing norms strictly.
  • They should instruct their ward not to exchange or loan articles
  • They should ensure that their ward uses a safe mode of transportation for going to the examination centre and returning back home. 
  • They should instruct their ward to follow all instructions displayed in school and conveyed to them. In case their ward is not feeling well, they should consult the doctor and act as per the advice given by him/her.
  • They should instruct their ward to avoid contact with unknown persons
  • They should instruct their ward to throw used tissue/ disposable face masks into closed bins immediately after use.
  • They should guide their ward on the other important guidelines issued by Government of India to avoid spreading of COVID-19 and to protect themselves.