Special Update – 2

There will be no Practicals, no Project Assessments and no Tests for Classes X and XII (Batch of 2020-2021) on Wednesday, 24th March 2021
However, the online classes for X and XII (Batch of 2021-2022) will continue as per schedule.

Special Update – 1

There will be no Practicals, no Project Assessments and no Tests for Classes X and XII (Batch of 2020-2021) on Tuesday, 23rd March 2021
However, the online classes for X and XII (Batch of 2021-2022) will continue as per schedule.

Session 2021-2022 Schedule #1

Welcome to the new session 2021-2022
CLASS 12 – 8:40 AM TO 8:50 AM (From 23rd MARCH 2021)
CLASS 10 – 8:40 AM TO 8:50 AM (From 24th MARCH 2021)