Topic : Don’t kill, conquer the evil in you.
To quote Pliny the Elder, “There is, to be sure, no evil without something good.” The tenets of our society, for aeons, have been the good and the evil, and the two have been interpreted as diametrically opposed ideologies. But with the evolution of thought and philosophy and ethics and morality, the human race must begin to question its rendition of the absolutism of what’s good and what’s evil. To eschew philosophical jargon, in contemporary times there is no good without evil, and conversely, no evil without good. As the symbol of Yin and Yang aptly depicts, both of them, instead of being the two contrasting shades of human nature, are in fact quite complementary colours which embellish the canvas of life and lend it some significance. There is, invariably, as the ancient symbol illustrates, a little bad in every good, and a little good in every bad. One emerges victorious in life when one establishes such a balance, because only then can one obtain harmony between the Ram and the Ravana within oneself.
11 November 2021, Thursday
Class Teacher – Ms. Shruti Vijan
Class- XI U
Vice Principal : Mr. Anil Kathuria
Class Representative- Ms. Ritu Kumar
Activity Incharge – Ms. Kaveri Dhar