Assembly X-O & X-M 17-07-2019

Class Teachers: Ms. Sanya Taneja, Ms. Jyoti Sharma
Class Representative: Ms. Vinita Gupta
Headmistress: Ms. Rashmi Malhotra
Date: 17 July, 2019
Cultural Programme Coordinator: Ms. Sudeepta Chatterjee
Guest Speaker: Mr. Raghav Gupta
Photographer: Mr. Shankar Giri

Topic: My Passion Wakes Me Up
It is often said, “You can do anything, as long as you have the passion and the drive.” A life without passion is not living, merely existing, and this has inspired the theme of the assembly. So, let your passion be the reason for your existence and your success, the product of your persistence. Let your passion wake you up to a new way of being and pay attention to the things you are naturally drawn to: they are often connected to your path, passion and purpose in life.

Topic: Ad Astra per Aspera
Keeping the significance of exploration for humanity in mind, the students of class X-M present an assembly on the topic, ‘Ad Astra per Aspera’, Latin for ‘Through hardships to the stars’. We want to use this opportunity to highlight the existential human need to constantly exceed our limits, in order to venture into the unknown. This essential component of the human spirit has been showcased through a fun skit, as well as inspirational music and dance performances.