Session I
An interactive career counselling session for the students of class 9 was conducted by DPS RK Puram on 26 December 2023. The resource team from Allen Institute of Education which consisted of Mr. S M Raza, Mr Divik Jain and Ms. Monika Yadav, guided the students regarding the “Role of Standardised Tests in College Admissions”. The students attended the workshop enthusiastically and asked relevant questions to enhance their knowledge. The session ended with a vote of thanks by Ms. Akshita Luthra.

Session II
A session on the “Art and Science of Personal Brand Building” was organised on 28th December 2023 by Mr Ashwin Malik for students of class 9. The session emphasised upon how one can craft their own personal brand and be champion of change. Mr. Malik highlighted the essentials of a strong personal brand by ‘uncovering our why’, ‘carving out our niche’ and ‘multiplying their impact’. Students enthusiastically participated in the discussion and were able to understand the power of a personal brand by discovering and honing one’s natural talents.